Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

I have shoes!

New Shoes.
Red Shoes.
Wooden shoes!

Yes, happy people, I own clogs. Red leather sandal tops and wooden soles. And on the bottom they say 'Original Clogs...Made in Sweden'

Hurrah for the Swedes making shoes that fit me!

I have found that one of them has a little chip in the toe. I know I should take it back, but I'm not very good at taking things back to shops.
Perhaps I could get a bit of wood filler and then sand it back.
What happens when they get dirty - I'll have to sand them then? Ooh, I'll have to tell my Da. He always tried to impress upon us as children, the importance of regularly polishing our shoes.
Hmmm, I don't want to sand these regularly or they'll diminish.

Now all I need is a sunny happy weekend to wear them. *claps hands*

I still need work shoes though. Shall continue hunting.
My sister got her feet properly measured the other day and she has size 4 feet. And my feet are shorter than hers. Have our feet shrunk?

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Here is a picture..

Last week I was talking about getting some glasses as props. My vision is tickety-boo, so I don't need them. But a pair in plain glass to use for dress-ups, would be great fun.
I don't think I would want a pair like this though...
I would want to play with them. These don't look as sexy.
Hell. These are just plain weird.
But here's the article anyway.

Aaah, a family Christmas...

My family have started emailing their Christmas wish lists around. Last year my Mum asked for "something musty orange coloured".
Yeah, I know.
We were all a bit stumped too.
I think she got some flowers, pillows and candles - all orange.
This year she's said she'd fancy "something glittery crystal".
I'll get myself a bloody crystal ball so I can figure out what she'd like for Christmas.
At least I've half sorted out her birthday present.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

'Out' and about

Went to a couple of Mardi Gras briefing thingos today. Festival and Parade entry stuff.
There were a few odd moments.

At one stage one of the organisers talked about privacy and letting all parade participants know that they are taking place in a public event and therefore may be photographed and their photographs printed in the public domain.
He said that they then "may be assumed to be gay or lesbian"

Oh. Good. God.
That won't do.
I better warn all the bisexual and queer participants quick!*

*The trans participants may be gay and lesbian, so, hey, maybe they'll be cool with those assumptions.

Wonder if I am being a bit too sensitive at the moment about Bi-invisibility?

Earlier, I talked to a few folks who are running different events in the MG festival. Got approached by a couple of people who are running a craft-arts gallery show. They thought it'd be a good idea to have a bit of cross promotion between their show and my kinky crafts workshop.
The lady then dissolved in laughter as she realised where she knew me from...the MG girls sauna evening from the year before last!
Laughing, I told her I probably didn't recognise her because she's got clothes on. She was a bit embarressed. The boys there thought it was all hilarious.

Later, seeing as I was in the area, I dropped into both SAX and House of Fetish on the way back home. Staff at both of them assumed me to be vanilla tourist. *sighs*

In all it was a slightly disconcerting day.


Have been a bit flat at work all week, and yesterday was officially the 'glummest day of the week'. There have been some moments of shining happiness though.

Caught up with Miss A last night. Was great to chat. Was weird to walk down the street with another glittery girly (wow, I still find it hard to publicly self-ID as femme).
Usually a beer at Girls on Top lets' me find numerous circles of friends. Last time I went - a couple of weeks ago - it was quieter, and last night it was a ghost town - with the additions of a few straight boy blow-ins who ogled rather innapropriately.

Wednesday and the Slox - while also quieter - was suitably trashy and I felt it all day at work on Thursday. During the night some aquaintances asked if I was a scene queen. Later watching the (rather hot) drag shows while sitting on Butch N's lap with Little Miss R draped over my shoulders, I thought 'Yes. Yes I am."

A new word that I've learnt to use since dating a social worker: 'self-care'.
I think I need to do more of it.
Less partying + more sleep + more proper meals = less glum days.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

being bloody mercurial

A great day at work. I got applause at storytime again, a councillor caught me working very damn hard, I had a haircut at lunchtime, a kid sang christmas carols for me, and another kid asked me to help find them books because they 'loved reading lots'.

Booked tickets for Mr M and myself to fly up before chrissy and see my brothers for a weekend *yeay*

Sadly I am in the middle of a fit of rage at the moment. Seeing red at the inability of people to be accepting and inclusive of bisexuality. Individuals (who should know better as they live in trans glass houses), and organisations who seem capable of uttering the G, L and T words, but not the B word. I shouldn't have to jump up and down to get them to.
So fucking angry.

I shall now find a nice frock to wear, and go out and have a beer with friends.
Friends always cheer me up.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Mind Junk

They were very happy to see me at Storytime today. Very happy.
Worked out why when talking with a couple of parents after storytime. I heard a lot of critcism of my sidekick's storytime sessions. Polite criticism in a North Shore fashion of course.
So now I have to sit in on her storytimes, see they go (after all, the parents could be just being catty), and if neccessary do a bit of gentle nudging in the right direction.

Yesterday I found out that an ex just started work down the road from me. And my best mate from Highschool works in the same building. So I met them for a drink.
It was very odd to be sitting there with them. Flashbacks of other pub afternoons with them.
I was also reminded of how queer my usual circles are. I was talking normal stuff I thought, but in retrospect I think it might've been a tad queer for their workmates.
Must learn company appropriate conversation. *grins*

I love geography. A lot.
But I learnt something new yesterday.
Pronounced 'SAY-sh'
Very cool. I was suitably excited. Almost as excited as when I found out there were salt glaciers!

I cannot find shoes that fit. My feet are too small. It never used to be such a big problem, and I am sure shoes sizes are surreptitiously getting larger. Winter wasn't too bad because shoes can be buckled or laced on, or worn with thick socks. And the styles in the kids shoe stores are pretty basic.
But summer.
I have suffered going into the kids stores without feeling too humilited, but the only styles are things with summery bows and ribbons *ugh*.
I go into the 'grownups' stores and ask straight away what their lowest size is and can they bring me everything in it.
But to no avail.
All my shoes are dying and I need to find something soon.
Oh how I envy folks who can actually choose the styles of shoes they wear. People who have more that 3 pairs of shoes because they can find more than 3 pairs that fit!

And no. It might not seem like I can be choosy - but shall not wear joggers all summer. Okay.

I send out HUGE kisses to 2 of my favourite people. Mr M who is a sore bear at the moment. *mwah* to you, mister!
And Miss A, who is back in the country, and it makes me all fidgety to think about seeing her again! *claps hands*

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

oh, and here's my memories of Sunday...

cold wind, stockings, strange fitting clothes, pub toilet, back streets, laughing at people trying to find a park on church street, burning sun, boring jewellery, escaping the crowds, a new red parasol, beer, a blue rug and friends, old-school sausage in a roll, dash home for a bit, boy goes home *waves bye*, more beer, crowd wandering, too many 'Jets' caps, dust, friends, more beer, more dust, portaloo queue, wandering, hunt out more friends, wandering home, shower and costume change, dull pub dykes with too much sun and beer under their belts, *waves bye*, queue jumping, front row perving, mingling, more beer, stockings, corsets, cellulite thighs, more beer, more crowd wandering, dismissing compliments, plans half-made, yawning, no more beer, laughing, run home in the cold wind, alone up Parramatta Rd in a very tight corset, 10 minutes later in bed, no more energy left to even think about the day.

is it a book? is it a keyboard? no, it's...

Okay, okay, I'm getting carried away with the Super Librarian concept now (read comments in last post if you dunno what I'm talking about).

So here's a few fun links for you all:
An old post, but funny
I hated these posters when they came out
And then there is 'Rex Libris'. I've not spotted this book yet, but "Wearing his distinctive, super-thick bottle glasses and armed with an arsenal of powerful weapons, he strikes fear into recalcitrant borrowers, and can take on virtually any foe — from loitering zombies to alien warlords who refuse to pay their late fees."
But look, there's more
And of course I shant forget the leather wearing crowd favourite

Lastly...Oh wow. This sounds so cool.
"Read or Die" DVD
It's got the Library of Congress, and zombies wanting to end the world, and a posse of superhero librarians in a secret underground hideout
"Ms Readman (or Agent Paper) has a unique talent in that she can make paper take on any strength or purpose she desires and it is employed from the travel case of documents she carries around with her. She certainly looks odd as a superhero and her love of books and unusual dress keep her mostly friendless until Ms Deep and she form a tender friendship from which they both learn more about being human."

I like learning 'more about being human', don't you kiddies?

Monday, November 14, 2005

Visiting the State Library...

Okay, so imagine you've not got a fixed address. Say you're between homes, dossing on someone's couch and haven't got anything with your address on. And perhaps you've also got something really important to research in the State Library (say health issues or legal info), or hell, maybe you just want to kill some time.
Forget about it sucker!

These days you have to have a 'readers card' to use materials and the computer/databases. To get one you need to show 2 forms of ID "you know, like a credit card and a drivers license will do".
I asked what they would do for homeless folks; "Oh they can still have a card, we just punch a hole in it, and they can't access all the resources".

Hey, I'm all for preserving library property and materials, and ensuring no-one hogs all the computer time. But geez, what happened to equitability of access for all. I was under the impression that was important to Librarians.

Here's another choice quote; "If I had my way the whole Library would be behind, to be looked at only in the supervisory area".

Fuck me. I thought the idea was to help people find information. Not restrict their use of it. Sure no-one wants to see books damaged or stolen. But damn. I also like to see them actually get used!

Other interesting things from my day:
- All patrons can only have 1 hour per day on the computers (soon to be introduced swipe card system will enforce this). BUT, if you have a laptop you can log into their wireless system for the e n t i r e day!
So not only are the less fortunate potentially restricted in what they can access, it seems that the lucky folks who own a laptop can get preferential treatment.

- And then their justification for not collecting kids and youth magazines is that it is a Reference Library, not just for leisure reading. When later questioned on the existence of titles such as "Esquire" and "Out" etc, they said that "well, we are a public library too".
So obviously kids and teenagers aren't valid enough members of the public for them.

The scary thing is, this is me looking at the State Library with outsiders' eyes.
My challenge now is to look at my own Library, and then actively work to fix issues like these if they are there.
Which I am sure they are.

Friday, November 11, 2005

I have a love/hate relationship with work at the moment.

Took a cake into work today. Told all my workmates it was a 'Friday Cake'.
But really it was 'cos I've been there 3 years today.
My boss knew, and when I said that I didn't want to say anything to people, she suggested that we put a notice on the whiteboard saying 'Yasmin - 3 today' and a picture of a cake with candles.
I told her in no uncertain terms that that was a horrid idea, and that people probably already think I'm too childish and they don't need encouraging.
The joys of working with a majority workforce of women in their 50's.

In other news, my new sidekick is now trying to tell me how to do my job.
This would normally make me think that I have issues with power and control, but apparently she's doing it to other people as well.
Nuts, man.

Glad it's the weekend and all I have to worry about now is what I'm wearing to Newtown Festival. *grins*

I think I've been going out drinking too much lately.
And, yep, I'm going to do it again tonight...

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Looking out my window a minute ago, I thought "Geez there's a lot of moths out there".
Now a few minutes later, just as the sun is setting, it's going moth mad.
Despite the gorgeous temperature now it's cooled down, and the need for some sweet fresh air in my room, I've closed the window lest my room fill up with mothy bodies.

In other news, I've bought some hairclips with orchids on them, and I love them so much. They make me feel all summery. I wore them to the Tranny Ball on Thursday, and again yesterday to walk down the street to grab a lazy takeaway dinner with Miss R, and tonight I shall wear them again.
Aaah Summer, time for cold beer and perving on pretty girls and bois.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Some mornings...

One of the most wonderful pleasures of my daily life at the moment is waking with my boy, and if he's not busy and heading home, he gives me a lift to work.

And I escape the ignominy of standing on Parramatta Rd while the full buses roar past.
I escape the walk on a grotty city street and down sticky stairs to the train.
I escape even the occasional twinge of terrorist wonder - I feel almost embarrassed to admit to it, but after all, it is peak hour and I am on a train in tunnels under the city centre.
I also escape the funereal plod of suits up the steps at my destination.

Instead we fly with traffic into the morning sun, sharing stories. And if I don't have to run into work, we go and have a coffee together, and sometimes toast. The barista lass remembers my order, even years after I've forgotten what it is.

It is, quite possibly, one of the best ways ever to start the working day.

Your call.

There's static on the line.
I want to hear his voice.
Can't even hear myself think. I'm breaking up.

Choose your own adventure:
1) hang up
2) switch off
3) out of range (interference from brickwalls)
4) redial
5) hold on tight and listen hard

Friday, November 04, 2005

drinking on a school night

The decision to go out to the Tranny Pride Ball last night was not looking to be a good one at first. We seemed to be freak magnets.
No. Not the fun kind of freaks sadly.

But then folks we kinda knew turned up. Lots of manly handshakes and girly "oh I love your dress" ensued.

After a few more bevvies, and some photo posing fun, members of House of Butch arrived.
After a few more bevvies again, some rude dancing was had. Or perhaps 'trashy' is a better way to describe my dancefloor antics? *shrugs*

I wondered if we'd make it through the night without some spanking. But gentle readers, I must report in the negative. There was arse.

Oh, and if anyone knows the name of the delicious boy with the mohawk and tatts, let me know. *drools*

Still, Mr M and I were tucked up in bed by 1pm. Totally zonked.
And oh boy was it hard to get out of bed this morning.

Now it's Friday night. Time to do it all again.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

book candy

Booklaunch was so cool. Go to Gleebooks and buy a copy, folks. In it, there's a happy snap of me grinning like the pissed idiot I was at the time!

I love my friends so much. Thankyou guys for coming along and being so supportive. The warm fuzzies from having you all there and being so generous with your time and energy, have stayed with me all day.
Oh, and I realised today that you all got mentions in the book! My bio reads:
"...she is 4'10", a switch, loves mermaids and old maps and has a lot of fuckable friends"

Being hassled by a few people to write more. The thing is; one reason behind this blog is to write more, and to write in a public way - to get over that feeling of being apologetic for my work.
The problem though, is that I rarely write conciously here. I just 'blah'. So I've not really worked on 'discovering my voice' or anything daft like that.

Oh, and beside me as I type I have a photocopy I made last year, and found today while cleaning up my desk at work. I was researching the design and fit out of spaces in Libraries for teenagers.
Quote from "Libraries designed for users: a planning handbook" 1980;

"Children's and Young Adult Areas...
...Young Adults need space for noisy social gathering - with music, group tables, near a place for soda and candy, and with smoking facilities"

*raises one eyebrow*
And over 20 years later, I'd put money on them being dreadfully happy if I actually provided this style of space. Poor buggers have to go out of the library to smoke these days. At least we have a nice brick ledge near the foyer for them to perch on.