So many endings and new beginnings.
I always seem to drop off on the blogging in summer. Perhaps just too much going on, and too many emotions whirling around. The latter is definitely the case this time. Am home sick because I've got myself all worked up about things.
On top of Christmas and New Year and January's party and birthday rush...
Now tomorrow is my birthday.
I do love having birthdays. The excitement of wondering what the next year might hold for me. Looking back at how much fun I had the year before. Looking back at the grand arc that has been the rest of my life; the way it curves and moves in the light. The directions it's taken and the adventures that have been had.
I've been really really enjoying my life the last 6 years. I think Saturn's Return hit early, and now, there's an overwhelming feeling of a year of big things ahead for me - like a last kick up the bum for all the changes I put into play in my life 6 years ago. I know 'may you live in interesting times' is said to be a Chinese curse. But come on folks - we all know I'd be bored otherwise.
So let the interesting times roll!
On my birthday.
But until then I have an evening stretching ahead of me for lots of thinking and remembering.
I have found myself this year becoming someone I barely recognise at times. I look at what's happening in my life; the fabulous people I call my friends; the adventures we get up to; the parties; the costumes; the lives we've constructed for ourselves... and it just seems so magical and amazing. It's like some mythical world the child me could only dream of. And here it is, shining right in front of us.
On the weekend I'm having a picnic in a park to celebrate turning 33. We get to picnic in a beautiful park. We can bring our dogs and let them run free. We can bring food and drink and alcohol. We can talk about whatever we want. We can be openly, wonderfully, queer.
There are so many places in the world where this is not possible.
And I am so bloody grateful that we live in this wonderful part of this city, in this wonderful part of the world.
Being able to live our lives in ways of our choosing.
Sure there'll be folks out there who could find a million things to criticise about our current situation. But right now I'd rather focus on the amazing things.
It's my birthday after all.
Things I've loved about this year:
- Dancing and dressups
- Meeting and connecting with new delicious people
- Writing a sex tips column
- Mr M hitting his stride with his work and health.
- Getting Sane (this was sooo not overrated! If you haven't tried it, give it a burl)
- Puppy Love
- That time I stopped caffiene and the other time I stopped sugar.
- Crochet & picnics in the park.
- All the times that my heart sang and my body buzzed.
- Ack, of course there's more, but I got a headache so it's slow going in there today...
(Man, this is turning out to be a terribly positive post for someone who's spent a week or 2 in an awful rotten headspace)
Enough already.
More later I expect.
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