Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Sunday, August 31, 2008

kink and comfort

A delightful tea party was had. And while I didn't go near quite the level of filth I had casually intended (sorry folks to whom I had promised things) - I still had a deliciously dirty time.

My small headache this morning is probably not from overloading myself with bloodletting fun for a change; as from the 2 glasses of champagne - oh and in such wonderful glasses that I had to put on my white buttoned gloves to hold them!

Everyone had dressed up so lovely, tulle and fascinators, stockings, gloves, and pearls. The bois in leather pants, vests and ties. So wonderful on the eyes.

The space was probably one of the best play spaces I have ever played in. Actually, I think it was the best. Though of course, I had expected that, as I was already terribly excited about the venue. (Oh those red velvet curtains! Oh those bare brick walls! Oh those dark dirty toilets! Oh the grubby rough concrete floor! )

Starting with a 50's suitcase full of china cups and sugar cubes and embroidered hankies for mopping up spills, Misses J and A were delightful tea-party companions. They were also so helpful in setting the table and cleaning up the bloody dishes after.

From there I enjoying watching all my gorgeous friends play. There was the delight of dark corners, short interludes, planned scenes, stolen moments, pats, giggling and longing glances. And then the joy of a body tied backwards, and a stomach exposed for my delight. I am such a very lucky miss sometimes!

Coming home at 3am I was in such high spirits that Mr M had to tell me off for singing Geordie drinking songs in the streets.

And now, on a perfect cool rainy hangover day I am sitting in my pyjamas, patting the dog and drinking tea again. The suitcase is unpacked, the ropes lie strewn on the couch, and the teacups sit on the sink waiting to be washed.
All pink, green, blue, and translucent white; they are winking last nights secrets to me in the soft morning light.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Week's over...

...time for the weekend.

I think this week is one that I'll just trust to the memory banks (dodgy as they are) instead of committing to a blog.


Though it's worth mentioning that I've had some good (tentative) news regarding work. I may soon have a dream team in children's services, instead of current ineffectual colleague. And this makes me very, very happy indeed.

Now to tuck myself up with soup and blankies and hope that these niggling cold symptoms vanish into the night.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

It all turned out okay.

Today was just what I needed to get me kickstarted into the week.
It's all warm and toasty inside this head of mine from all this sunshine today. ...amongst other things.

Walked up King St with my Da, who was surprisingly in Sydney.
Headed to the park with a thermos full of tea.
Ms' R and B brought their clippers to the park, and Miss A (ably assisted by Miss S) got to work repairing my dodgy homemade haircut.
Zen-dog had much fun, running around with other pups, and scamming pats and attention from people.
Home at sunset to find Mr M in a backyard, happily surrounded by powertools, building furniture.
And am now in jarmies on the couch with the heater on, surrounded by sleeping boy and dog.
What a lovely day.

*sighs with delight*

Saturday, August 23, 2008

It's like a lovesong dedication...

...and I send this one out to G-doll.

Today, amongst a number of interesting adventures involving teacups, in-laws, sample bags, and a crying child hiding in a carboot...
...I took these photos:

Yup. It wasn't the weirdest day ever.
'Twas mostly quite lovely.
But also a little, well, odd.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

two by two

Two things that have irritated me to the point of screaming this week:
- Sticky tape that comes off the dispenser and then wraps tightly around my finger. Sticking to itself and me and soooo hard to get off. Aaargh.
- Pink tampon strings. I hate pink at the best of times. But grumpy and sick with my periods I'm confronted with fucking pink strings. Why? Tampons aren't fashion items. Who decided? Who changed the assembly line in the factory and ordered the pink dye? "Oh you're sore and cranky and bleeding profusely, but hey! Look at this cute pink string. Isn't it sweet. Isn't it great to be a girl!"
Aaaargh. Fuck off!

*breathes deep*

Okay. Happy thoughts.
Things that have delighted me this week:
- Our new little vegie patch. Made from an assortment of large pots and scavenged polystyrene boxes painted purple. We have them up on table so the dog doesn't munch on them and they get more sun. We have carrots, spinach, shallots, garlice, lettuce, thyme, mint, and beetroots. Yay for beetroots!
- Stitches. I've had a lump removed from my forehead and have 6 stiches. They look so cool and soon I'll have a nice scar. And I can be a pirate librarian. Last night I greatly enjoyed dressing up like a broken doll. Stiches, diamontes and tulle.

Okay. That's enough now. Going on a coffee hunt.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Sickly sweet and insidious.

Thank christ someone's spelt it out.
In simple language that some clueless parents might understand.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Get moving.

I realised it's been a while since I've gone out for a trashy big night of dancing.

Weekends have passed with me doing many thoroughly wholesome social activities. Going to galleries, talks, sunshiny picnics in parks, visiting people in houses, gardening, going out for dinner, and of course, staying home on the couch and crocheting.
But now the dancefloor is calling.
I can hear the thumping.
It's time to forget the chill winter night air and put on my boots and head out late at night to that 'other ghetto'. 3 decent venues are calling, populated by many favourite beautiful people.

It's also a good idea to dance off all my work worries.
I've been getting so many things done at work lately. Projects completed and events organised, and I've even done the hard yards with a 'problem colleague'.
The sense of job satisfaction is high. But the mountain of stuff still to do, is higher. Stamina is called for here.
And I'm thinking a good dance will certainly help shake off any tension stored in my body.

Saturday, August 02, 2008


Omigod. I think this might be like NaNoWriMo for knitters and crocheters!

Organised through Ravelry (obviously). This might be the kick up the bum I need to crochet something bigger than another goddamn scarf - even though I still have so much fun making them.
Perhaps those shrug, or jumper patterns I've been looking at for months.
From the Ravelry site:

You must cast on a project during the Opening Ceremonies of the Summer Olympics (Aug. 8)- and finish before the Olympic flame goes out (Aug. 24).
That’s 17 days.
Would you rather work on your burgeoning WIPs? Then join up for the WIPs Wrestling. All other events are for newly cast on projects!

- The project must be a challenge for you to complete in 17 days.
- No casting on before Opening Ceremonies commence in Beijing.
- Finish before the flame goes out.
- You may swatch before the games. (I consider this “training.”)

I think it's too late for me to sign up to a 'team'. But that's okay. I can be a lone entrant.
Lucky for me Mr M bought me a new case to keep my crochet hooks in. I might even be able to be a tad organised through this.