Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

book candy

Booklaunch was so cool. Go to Gleebooks and buy a copy, folks. In it, there's a happy snap of me grinning like the pissed idiot I was at the time!

I love my friends so much. Thankyou guys for coming along and being so supportive. The warm fuzzies from having you all there and being so generous with your time and energy, have stayed with me all day.
Oh, and I realised today that you all got mentions in the book! My bio reads:
"...she is 4'10", a switch, loves mermaids and old maps and has a lot of fuckable friends"

Being hassled by a few people to write more. The thing is; one reason behind this blog is to write more, and to write in a public way - to get over that feeling of being apologetic for my work.
The problem though, is that I rarely write conciously here. I just 'blah'. So I've not really worked on 'discovering my voice' or anything daft like that.

Oh, and beside me as I type I have a photocopy I made last year, and found today while cleaning up my desk at work. I was researching the design and fit out of spaces in Libraries for teenagers.
Quote from "Libraries designed for users: a planning handbook" 1980;

"Children's and Young Adult Areas...
...Young Adults need space for noisy social gathering - with music, group tables, near a place for soda and candy, and with smoking facilities"

*raises one eyebrow*
And over 20 years later, I'd put money on them being dreadfully happy if I actually provided this style of space. Poor buggers have to go out of the library to smoke these days. At least we have a nice brick ledge near the foyer for them to perch on.


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