Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Monday, November 14, 2005

Visiting the State Library...

Okay, so imagine you've not got a fixed address. Say you're between homes, dossing on someone's couch and haven't got anything with your address on. And perhaps you've also got something really important to research in the State Library (say health issues or legal info), or hell, maybe you just want to kill some time.
Forget about it sucker!

These days you have to have a 'readers card' to use materials and the computer/databases. To get one you need to show 2 forms of ID "you know, like a credit card and a drivers license will do".
I asked what they would do for homeless folks; "Oh they can still have a card, we just punch a hole in it, and they can't access all the resources".

Hey, I'm all for preserving library property and materials, and ensuring no-one hogs all the computer time. But geez, what happened to equitability of access for all. I was under the impression that was important to Librarians.

Here's another choice quote; "If I had my way the whole Library would be behind, to be looked at only in the supervisory area".

Fuck me. I thought the idea was to help people find information. Not restrict their use of it. Sure no-one wants to see books damaged or stolen. But damn. I also like to see them actually get used!

Other interesting things from my day:
- All patrons can only have 1 hour per day on the computers (soon to be introduced swipe card system will enforce this). BUT, if you have a laptop you can log into their wireless system for the e n t i r e day!
So not only are the less fortunate potentially restricted in what they can access, it seems that the lucky folks who own a laptop can get preferential treatment.

- And then their justification for not collecting kids and youth magazines is that it is a Reference Library, not just for leisure reading. When later questioned on the existence of titles such as "Esquire" and "Out" etc, they said that "well, we are a public library too".
So obviously kids and teenagers aren't valid enough members of the public for them.

The scary thing is, this is me looking at the State Library with outsiders' eyes.
My challenge now is to look at my own Library, and then actively work to fix issues like these if they are there.
Which I am sure they are.


Blogger Ali H said...

You're not only a sexy librarian, you're a GOOD librarian too, by damn!
I have a mental picture of SuperYasmin destroying the evil of information restriction and classism wherever she may find it, and it makes me happy.

12:01 am  
Blogger Miss Y said...

*grins* I shall get a button-up cape made of cashmere, and my pearls shall be 'PowerPearls'(tm).

Yes, beware the SuperYasmin.
She walks softly and carries a heavy book!

7:40 pm  
Blogger Miss Y said...

*grins harder*
Thinking more on the superhero concept.
I wish I wore glasses.
Then they would be see-through glasses and I could turn them on at will to perve on cuties using the photocopiers.
An old idea, I grant you, but a goody still.
Hmmm, and a tad useless for fighting evil-doers perhaps. *sighs*

7:46 pm  

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