Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

is it a book? is it a keyboard? no, it's...

Okay, okay, I'm getting carried away with the Super Librarian concept now (read comments in last post if you dunno what I'm talking about).

So here's a few fun links for you all:
An old post, but funny
I hated these posters when they came out
And then there is 'Rex Libris'. I've not spotted this book yet, but "Wearing his distinctive, super-thick bottle glasses and armed with an arsenal of powerful weapons, he strikes fear into recalcitrant borrowers, and can take on virtually any foe — from loitering zombies to alien warlords who refuse to pay their late fees."
But look, there's more
And of course I shant forget the leather wearing crowd favourite

Lastly...Oh wow. This sounds so cool.
"Read or Die" DVD
It's got the Library of Congress, and zombies wanting to end the world, and a posse of superhero librarians in a secret underground hideout
"Ms Readman (or Agent Paper) has a unique talent in that she can make paper take on any strength or purpose she desires and it is employed from the travel case of documents she carries around with her. She certainly looks odd as a superhero and her love of books and unusual dress keep her mostly friendless until Ms Deep and she form a tender friendship from which they both learn more about being human."

I like learning 'more about being human', don't you kiddies?


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