aka: what I do at work.
There was this webpage I found so so many years ago called refgrunt.
This librarian kept notes of all of his reference desk queries.
So funny and so true.
Mine's not as funny but it gives you an idea of my job. Here's a sample hour from the kids reference desk today:
Stop hitting things with the blow up mallet.
Yes, that is your only warning today.
Wrestling can go outside to the park lads. Look! It's a beautiful sunny day.
Sorry, these computers are reserved for school kids after school hours.
Try the adult section.
Request for an obscure architect.
Catalog decides to go down that very second.
Try the info desk upstairs.
Jeffrey Archer? Level 1.
Under A for Archer.
Yes you can go study in there, don't mind the closed door.
Turn the volume down girls. There are others trying to work.
Yes the teens look stressed ma'am. They have exams coming up.
Yes, homework and research takes presedence over online gaming.
I can clear a computer for you.
Yes, your toddler can run around - the whole area is theirs!
Maths books?
Times tables?
Lets have a look. Ref dictionary to the rescue.
Discarded a couple of hidden maths books from the 70's found hiding.
Bookseller wheels out his boxes from my office.
Thankyou. Yes see you in May.
No block towers higher than the shortest person kids.
Yes that includes the babies.
Yes it could hurt them if it falls.
Yes that counts for towers made from the soft furnishings.
It should start up again fine. Let me know if it asks for a password.