Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Monday, March 24, 2008

Nothing interesting. Just blah.

Had a great dance at Civil Disobedience last night. We were glad the music picked up a little, to make the trip to a different part of the city worth while. And there was a little bit of eyecandy around. Almost enough to keep me entertained and not think, though fortunately not so much that I went into sugar shock.

One day left of my holiday now.
It's felt like one really, really big weekend. Hanging out with the boy and dog at home. Catching up with the family. Going out dancing at night. Not getting enough housework done.

I think next holiday I'll need to go away somewhere to make it feel different.

On a different note. I finally sat down and downloaded all the photos off my phone.
Here's a few from the last year:

On a train on a sunny summers afternoon I thought I could smell amyl... The drink can, condom packet and sticky floor just added to the whole atmosphere...

From a poster exhibition at taken for Miss A, but I keep forgetting to send it to her. Here you are darlin'...

Puppies relaxing for a split second on a recent beer and crochet visit to the park... Hurrah for Kelpie ears!

My teensy contribution to the great masses of Mardi Gras 08 photos...

A business man having a quiet breakdown at the library... I was wasn't feeling so good that day myself, and strangely it was comforting that I wasn't alone in having rough days. He up and left quickly as I packed up my lunch things, so I didn't even get a chance to get closer to see if he was in real strife or even give him a smile.

My sisters' pup when it was little. Looking a tad quietly freaked out by me approaching...



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