Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

So many things to write about...

So point form it is:

- Operation Sane Grey is working quite well. Still having big problems with my memory though. But it's been more a case of bad days versus bad weeks, lately. This is refreshing.

- Threatened managers at work with a big stick called 'workcover regulations' last week. Amazing how fast they can move.

- Was laid low with that same cold that everyone got. Fortunately over it in a few days. Now nursing Mr M through it's last rallying cry.

- Definition of frustration: being asked by a delicious butch to do a skin removal.
When they are next in town.
Which is next year.

- Am pleasantly surprised by the addition of Union Picnic Day and the Easter long weekend to my 4 days leave. Now I have a week and a half hols. Am very pleased with my luck. Very, very pleased.

- Looking forward to catching up with my Ma during these hols. Also have to go wedding dress shopping with Ma and my sister. My sister said she would understand if I couldn't go the distance because of the amount of white-frillies to contend with. Mr M said I could borrow his hip flask. Expect to see a dizzy Miss Y wandering down Parramatta Rd in the midday sun next Wednesday.

- I've been making felt toys at work. Also called softies, felties, and felt stuffies. They are very cute. My favourite so far has been the dead squid. Yeah, I know, I've got a shit job *he he*.

- Picked up the crochet again when I was down sick last week. Am enjoying myself immensely. And am surprised at how much I remember. Yay me.

That's all for now.


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