Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Body conciousness

Cashed in a massage gift voucher from Mr M yesterday.
Fantastic massage. Reiki, the works. Awesome.
But later that arvo, crashed with a massive headache. Boo.
Too much unravelling in one sitting.

Still, 'twas interesting the attention on each body part, that brought back (sometimes strange) body memories.
Knees remembering dancing for 2 days at Tropical could they forget really.
Upper chest remembering a rope corset from 6 years ago.
Shins will probably always remember that tumble, 4 years ago.

And it was wonderful being brought back even more to my body. I can forget to focus on it sometimes.
All the time.
Ignoring it. Using it for others. Out of bed to look after people. Forget the sore wrist to help carry something. Ignore the headache to stay talking.
Even the cutting that I love so so much, as toppy as it is, it is still in a way service to others. So much energy building up, with no real release.

I need to experience more pain and joy in this body. I need to inhabit it more.
I see so many friends capable of doing this. The way the dress themselves, exercise in different ways, and clearly put themselves out there for play.
I have a hunch it's time for me to sort this out eh.


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