No end of year roundup.
Just a huge thankyou to everyone.
I'm too knackered for more than that.
Bring on 2006!
Love Miss Y.
[Item thieved from here. Copyright Russ Horseman.]
"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)
Just a huge thankyou to everyone.
I'm too knackered for more than that.
Bring on 2006!
Love Miss Y.
[Item thieved from here. Copyright Russ Horseman.]
Your Birthdate: January 30 |
![]() You have the type of personality that people either love or hate. You're opinionated, dramatic, intense, and very outspoken. And some people can't get enough of you - they're totally addicted. Others, well, they wish you were a little more reserved. Your strength: Your flair Your weakness: If you think it, you say it Your power color: Scarlet red Your power symbol: Inverted triangle Your power month: March |
To be sung to the tune of the Twelve Days of Christmas...
"On the day after Christmas, for my flatmates birthday,
there was:
12 precious teacups
11 lime slices
10 assorted queers
9 banana muffins
8 presents given
7 types of vodka
6 soda stream bulbs
5 different beers
4 uniforms
3 trannyboys
2 femmes in aprons
and a pinata shaped like a bum
And here is a hastily snapped photo (thanks Miss J), of a dog who got his head stuck inside the empty pinata. He was soooo happy with his find!
You know. I knew it would be an odd night. It always is. It's the rules.
Bearing on 6pm Midsummers day, I opened my window to see ash in the air and smell burning. I remember the Solstice bonfires of my childhood and get excited and jiggly and antsy. I have to get out of the house.
My skin glowing from the sun, lips dark, eyes sparkling, flowers in my hair and bells around my neck, indian bangles and beads around my wrist, red shoes and a red parasol.
I go walking. Wandering looking for the bonfire.
But then I realise it's actually a fire somewhere out of the city. Nature has created her own Solstice bonfire and the city is blanketed in ash smoke.
Later at a backyard gathering I pass around the rune bikkies I made. People ask what they mean, and from the back of my brain comes recollection of each rune meaning. It's been 15 years since I did serious rune casting. I stopped at the time because the energies were too big for me. Midsummer memories.
After champagne with hibiscus flowers we totter off for a nightcap at the pub.
And then shortest night of the year becomes the longest.....
Sometimes the edges are so close I could touch them. Colours brighter. Sounds clearer. Skin more sensitive. Love stronger.
Perhaps I need to get more sleep.
And in other news... (which is good news for those of us who like to dance)...
Visiting my family and touching base was a marvellous thing.
I have my Ma and sisters here in Sydney, and I see them more, talk to them more, share more with them. But my Da, Stepma and brothers are the ones I'm closest to in an energy sorta way.
Visiting them really pointed out to me how much of a city slicker I've become.
Yesterday Mr M and I gardened. It started the night before with some heavy pruning. And continued yesterday with nursery shopping, digging, planting, mowing and watering. I have a windowbox with herbs now, and the front yard now looks wonderful!
One of my favourite summer drinks:
1 green glass
wedge of lemon
sprig of mint
Drink while lounging on second hand outdoor furniture and admiring a nicely turned out garden.
Today Miss A and I shall be baking. Christmas baking. Solstice baking.
First I need to sew an apron.
Geez holidays rock.
Holiday yeay!
Where are my pom pom girls to cheer this event.
I swore I would have a holiday where I didn't work on anything for a change. But I have a hunch I'll be working on my Mardi Gras Festival event.
I started my hols with a sleep in, Mr M cooking a wonderful breakie, and then off to the MG Festival guide launch. Champagne for morning tea and a brief flirt with a new face. Lovely.
My work Xmas party was okay. Some underdressed woman got best dressed because of the 'effort' she put into her outfit. This 'effort' was her sewing patches onto her jeans in work time. What rot. There were so many folks that looked more fabulous than her.
Council corruption. That's what that is!
Apologies to all that expected me at Hellfire.
Meant to go (had even delayed holiday travel plans for it), but by the time I thought about going I was absolutely knackered.
It's exhausting work keeping those too short 60's dresses from showing more than is acceptable at a work function.
Might've been a good look for Hellfire though *grins*
Going to visit my brothers this weekend.
Get out of the city for a bit.
*claps hands with joy*.
Must be time for me to go on holidays.
Yesterday I wore a brand name t-shirt to work. Took the afternoon off to go on a leather shopping jaunt. Dropped in the Hampie for a beer. Then the Slox for cocktails. Then Newtons for food. Then the Townie for more beer.
On a school night no less!
And today I must've spent at least half of my work day surfing the internet.
Yep. I'm gearing up for holidays alright.
2 more days to go.
So much happening. The pre-christmas scattered energy. Everything's moving so fast.
I'm exhausted.
Spent a nice arvo today looking around the Rozelle markets, and then visiting my Ma for her birthday. Had strawberry champagne on the balcony overlooking the water. Wonderful to have a little breathing space amongst it all.
Borrowed some white framed sunnies from my sister, for my work Christmas party. At first I was horrified by the 60's theme... everyone was thinking hippy clothes and psychedelic fabrics.
But then I remembered the Mod girls. Hurrah. Oh I'd love to dress Mod all the time. Maybe this'll kick start something?
Maybe not.
Which I am not. (Lovely people mostly. Had a nice time watching them at the Hampshire tonight. A little bit of eye candy, a little bit of comedy.)
Found via Miss L.
You scored as The Vaginal-Reference-Making Dyke. You are the lesbian who can connect your vagina to nearly every object in the entire universe, creative and a little creepy you always astonish your friends.
*phew* I had a tie breaker with "You worship Bettie Paige." and "You can connect your vagina to nearly every object in someway."
Of course I went with the vagina option.
So glad. I am certainly too much of a crude hussy to be a 'femme fatale'.
What a close shave.
Oh. And what was with question 57 "You often make baked goods naked."
I wanna know what others answer to that?
Adds another dimension to the idea of a baking day at my place.
Anyone keen?
How wonderful to hear the cicadas singing in the heat.
Makes me happy to hear them.
And makes me a bit homesick too.
I love this city, and I love my queer ghetto. But yes, I still think of up north as home after all these years.
Sparked by another blog post out there that I know some of you will read.
Since constructing my social self as Femme, I have felt more me, and more comfortable with myself in many social contexts.
I don't think I am a 'born' Femme. Those silly fun Butch-Femme tests have had me coming out at Andro for years now regardless of my changing dress styles and relationships.
But what I think work best for me is the consciousness of gender, and the performative aspects of being femme. I like it as a context for interracting with the world, relationships, people and their ideas/conceptions.
And of course as a context for costuming. *grins*
I have become freer to be me within the framework offered by 'Femme'.
Still find it hard to call myself 'Femme' though.
My old moniker of 'Part-time Femme' doesn't fit at the moment. 'Low Femme' somehow offers visions of jeans and lipstick. 'Baby Femme' implies that I've not been round the traps for a while and am not pushing 30 (both of which are actually true :-)
Perhaps 'Party-Femme' works better?
Or just plain 'Hussy'
Obviously I can't sustain academic thoughts of gender very long.