ABC rocks my world
I'm not the kinda gal that has a TV routine. I forget when programmes are on and am quite unable to tell the difference between the different commercial channels.
I prefer my TV viewing to have an element of seredipity to it.
And, oh boy, it certainly did tonight.
Did you see the first half of Enough Rope?
Trannies and Librarians.
If I do the Living Book thing at my library - will you come and be a book?
For those of you that caught it - there's an online forum with the guests tomorrow 5-6pm here.
And I also caught the last Media Watch for the year, and I now have a rip roaring crush on Monica Attard.
Watching her lean forward on one arm, finger entwined, other elbow crooked in the air. She cocks her head to the side and speaks firmly and emphatically, eyebrows raising over her rimless glasses, strands of dark hair moving across her forehead.
I started daydreaming of her in a white bonds shirt and fitted leather jacket, looking at me from the other side of the pool table. Judging me as harshly as the articles she critiques on Media Watch. Pulling me into line with a dip of her chin.
I dream of her leaning over me, one arm outstretched, palm flat on the wall that I have my back to.
She starts to lean down and as I melt into the moment, my last thought is that I wonder if I could sustain any semblance of intelligent conversation over breakfast with such a sharp tough woman.