Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Thanks in advance (if you do)

Okay folks,
So there's this house that Mr M and I want to live in.
We haven't seen inside it yet, mind you. But we've got our fingers crossed. And the outside ain't too shabby.
And it's specs are pretty much on the money for what we want (parking for Mr M's shiny shiny car, room to store 'stuff' and to move about and not kill each other, freshly painted, pets allowed*, view of trees so I don't feel trapped in a box, near a bus route so I can get to work and earn the money I need to live there and not so far away that I can't run home at night if a nutter gets off the bus at the same stop as me and acts all pervy).
Oh and it's also apparently got a dishwasher. So we won't kill each other about who does the washing up.
Except half my bowls and cups are too delicate/rustic and need to be handwashed.
Hang on now.
Focus, girl.

Okay. I do have a point here.
So if you think we're sorta alright people, and you want to do something nice for us; think some good thoughts for us to get this happy house. Send us some good vibes.
Hell, if you really think we're tops, feel free to magic up something even better. Like a house with a lockup garage, more rooms to store our collections/junk, and a maid.
Though I've not found that house on any real estate website lately.
Oh, almost forgot, and a chauffeur to drive me around so I don't have to deal with strange bus people.
When Mr M's not driving me around of course.
Bloody gem, that man is.

Hmm, I could tell you about a strange bus person story now.
But it'd take a lot of explaining.
It involved a cute dyke, a chicken pie, a middle-aged man and a hand-coloured Hello Kitty mask.
Trust me. It was weird.
In that kind of 'everyone's noticing but pretending not to notice' way.

What a rambling post.
Perhaps I should go now.

*I'll start a book on how long we'll last before Mr M brings home a pup :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

luck for houseness
12 months max for a puppydoggle

11:30 pm  

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