Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Out of the mouths of babes.

You know that funny thing that people do when they talk loudly 'just over there' about something they want you to hear?

The kids in the library (ostensibly studying for the HSC) were talking this arvo about "a librarian who is a lesbian", and then glancing over to see my reaction.
My obvious reaction was a chuckle, but I had to go into my office to have a bit more of an "if only they knew" giggle afterwards.

But then later again, I thought "hey, how'd they work it out?"

1st curious thought: They'd coded me - but that requires a somewhat more sophisticated gaydar that I would expect of these students, especially as I'm corporate femme at work and the queerest thing I wear is the occasional studded wristie.

2nd thought: They'd googled me - it would take a little bit of effort to find out my surname, but not impossible and really, would they bother?

3rd idea: Who told them? - after all, I know at the very least 3 queer people who went to school in the area last year. But I do doubt they'd know these ugg-boot-wearing north shore princesses.

4th realisation: Oh. My. God.... I have been staring at their tits too much.

In related news, I present the first piece of graffiti on our new furniture at work.
It's almost art.
Wonky liquid paper capitals on the black metal of a white table reading "STUDY IS FINE TOO".
Best thing about it is that it's been written on the tables where the TV/DVD players and stereos are.
I have a hunch it was written by the cute, possibly queer, lone student yesterday who was trying to work while the others frolicked about nearby.



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