Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Friday, February 25, 2005


If I'm on holiday's now, why do I feel so strung out.
Fuckin' Mardi Gras.

Leaving work today, my boss asks me if I'm going to Rubber Ball tomorrow, 'cos maybe I'll run into her husband there.
My god.
I'm all for being open about who I am at work. But there are some times when it's just too much information.
And anyway, I'm obligated to Biversity tomorrow.
But would rather stay home and have a bubble bath.
I don't even enjoy baths.

Thursday, February 24, 2005


"Of course it's alright for librarians to smell of drink." Barbara Pym (Less Than Angels)
Time for a new quote.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

A perfect day for wagging work.

What glorious weather.

Things that happened today:
- Typed up a rockin' job application (I'd hire me!) and took it in.
- Had a look at the Library I'm applying to work in, and decided that I'm actually very lucky where I am, crazy lady notwithstanding.
- Had a coffee and talked in a hyper caffiennated way at Butch M for hours *eep*
- Salivated over bloodlust possibilities.
- Love my sister for taking work from me and not letting me even talk about worrying about it!
- Made black, black, black placards in the House of Femme garage.
- Got to hang out with Miss R and chat. (Thankyou so much Miss R, for your help with the parade entry prep!)
- Took a phone call from SSO about an article about Qart *yeay*

Things that didn't happen today:
- going to work.
- booking ute for MG parade
- taking photo's of Post Cafe for Qart article
- buying of flouro paint
- proper meals
- sleep...

....bloody hyper caffienation *sighs*

Monday, February 21, 2005

snap happy


Mums' Valentines' Day Wedding
- Met new siblings - all a bit strange - them. not me for a change.
- had to sign my name with everyone and even TV cameras watching - very uncomfortable with an awkward signature like mine (note to self - get new signature or new name or both).
- Sister of new step-dad used to work in Byron with mother of my ex-boyfriend - how many degrees of separation is that?
- ladies in the street cooing over Mr M carrying big bunch of flowers through the city "oh what a sweet boyfriend"
- Watched TV *gasp* to see Mum's registery wedding get on the 7 news and that current affair show - Mr M snoozing on couch *shoves him* 'hey honey, look you're on teev'

- like duh, crazy girl at work is a 'player', and stopped being my new best friend when she thought I had no influence in the workplace. Sooo, I let her see me talking to big boss lady about grants and budgets and other things outside of her (crazy girls) direct influence. And sure enough, her good humour returns.
- Just in time for me to have a grumpy bear day *phew*

Oooooh, I stop now. Will catch up Fair Day, Sister's moving house day, creating parade entry days and other assorted fun, later.
I gotta write up a job application.
See if I can get more money and travel less distance to work. Due tomorrow.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

The world looks different with a crown on.

Big poofy birthday party on a rooftop in Surry Hills last night. Miss L was superb pony club door bitch. I think my nipples must be a bit tender after the numerous croppings she gave them - if I could feel them over my aching head!
Ooooh I'm feeling sore and sorry today. Mr 'I don't understand those bisexuals, I only like real gays' Bear, made something called Fast Punch.
I didn't even know they made Lychee Liqueur.

Wore the tulle and new halterneck and a paper crown I made with pictures of playing card and stick-on diamontes on it. I think the boys at the Shift later in the night though I was a fag hag *sighs*.
Still, I learnt something new. Paper crowns make it easy to get to the toilet and bar. Those gay boys parted like the Red Sea.
Ran into Miss L and Miss L at the party. Aaah, 2 degrees of separation again. Of course, they each looked fabulous in their usual inimitable way!

Will head out later if my head clears. SubStation is on tonight. But cannot drink. Not just 'cos of last night, but also my Ma's getting married tomorrow, so I wouldn't mind looking a bit fresh faced for the happy snaps *grins*. Oh yeah, and I can't look like too much of a trashbag 'cos I get to meet her hubbies kids and grandkids - oooh new step-sibling-things. I'm not going to be the oldest any more - again (this is Mum's 3rd marriage).
Bugger, now what on earth am I going to wear.

And when am I going to get the parade entry organised *sighs*

Friday, February 11, 2005


Okay, I think I have to post the quote thingy that I have on the left of the page in here everytime I change it...'cos I love some of these librarian quotes, and wanna remember them.
This one just removed:

"Libraries are far from the rarefied cathedrals of secular humanism they pretend to be, while librarians are the shadiest creatures this side of the Russian mob. Scratch the adamantly bland demeanor of any librarian and you'll find trails of broken hearts, bathtubs full of meth fixings, and covert careers in porn."David Schmader(The column, 17 October 2002)

probably bad karma *shrugs*

Those who know me, may know that I seem to have trouble walking and not falling over sometimes.
Not when I'm off my face. Oh no.
Usually just down some stairs, or when a train stops, or on a footpath.
I try and wear stable shoes, and you'll not often see me in heels. Yet still I manage to tumble.

But today was special in a Librarian way!
Carrying 3 folio* atlases back to the desk for a reference query, all three phones ringing for ages and no staff answering them, and BAM!
I made quite a thud with the books. Lost my shoes somehow too.
And three elderly gents on the OPACs just look at me and ask "are you okay?".
No running to help me pick up books or anything. I reckon all those stories about chivalry in the olden days is bollocks.
I was fine for about 20 mins after 'cos it was so busy that I didn't have time to think about it. Then realised that I was terribly, terribly sore.

So am very tired and in a catty mood today. Taking delight in the misfortune of folks who shit me. Don't have the energy to be arsed being nice.

a comment edited out 18/03/05

Work nemesis spent a meeting heaping sly, and not so sly, remarks at me. But then everytime a colleague went off on a tangent during the meeting, she'd say; "but we're transgressing here"!
Would've died laughing if I wasn't trying so hard to be professional! I'll give her trangressions *evil grin*

Okay, am probably overtired. Hope you all have a fun Friday night on the town.
I'm going to bed.

*folio is the size above quarto which is the size above octavo which are your average sized books. Folio is BIG. And heavy. Ouch.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Well I never!
I hope you remember kiddies, that I am your friendly (and real) local Librarian.


Thursday, February 03, 2005

Career queers and coding

Taking a day off work tomorrow for Big Long Meeting with public servant career queers about Big Issues. Is somewhat daunting 'cos they get paid and have spent years dealing with aforementioned Big Issues. I'm just a lass doing a bit of work for the community, unpaid and without the hig falutin' language they use. The bit that bugs me is a few of them are old school, so they are a bit anti-Bi (even if they aren't allowed to be 'cos they're at work, this girl can damn well tell when their personality overides the 'professionalism'). So of course when I turned up the the first meeting in a skirt and red shoes, I got coded as straight-girl-bisexual, rather than queer-girl-femme.
Should I go in dyke uniform tomorrow? If I did, it'd be interesting to see if that changes their reactions.
Of course, I won't. I just go as me.
But it's been a bit of a theme of late; dress and queer-coding.
Wonder why?

I have a baby

Left on my doorstep.
Well, okay, actually in my letterbox.
A baby mermaid, or merboy.

About 7cms long, and plastic.
I shall love it. But...who left me holding the baby?