What a happy chinese new year it was...
I am 30. Expect me to talk about this a lot. (Yes. I know I have been already).
I'm very excited about it.
Such a wonderful party. I spent the day before making fortune cookies - to which Mr M made up some marvellous queer fortunes.
Mr M and myself also made some wonderful Jiaozi (dumplings).
We hung red paper lanterns and balloons from a tree in the park and set up some furniture found in a recent chuck-out. Come to think of it, I haven't checked if the chairs are still in the park. Not to worry. We only needed them for the day.
People brought blankets and beer and bubbles. There was sunshine and dogs and photos and pressies and food and, most wonderfully, almost all of my gorgeous friends.
Folks peeled off at sunset and those of us left tottered down to the pub for a beer. I got birthday kisses. *swoons*. And I'm not sure what the generics at the pub thought of my outfit. *grins*
I had a red hairclip and a red chunky beaded bracelet and red leather clogs and a red bag and a red babydoll dress with white spots.
The rest of the night was a write-off, but all was well by lunchtime the next day. Mr M and I had a wee trip around the art gallery (quiet, cool, no people hassling, etc).
Then a small family dinner that night, to which my sister brought the yummiest homemade cupcakes ever.
Oh, and I got so many gorgeous pressies.
My boyfriend got me a Tiffany & Co necklace and my mother bought me pearls. (I feel so spoilt but shall enjoy telling you this because I've not received such beautiful things before).
I was also given tea, and books with paper dolls in them, and candles, candles, candles, and a jewellery box, and wine, and chocolates, and a bag with Eames chairs printed on it, and measuring jugs to do more baking, and oh so so much more.
I also got a great big silver toolbox with a marvellously strong lock and I put all my pressies inside.
And I lost the key.
For half a day I hunted.
Mr Z found it in the letterbox.
The funniest part is that at work today I remembered that I had put it there myself so I wouldn't lose it.