kink and comfort
A delightful tea party was had. And while I didn't go near quite the level of filth I had casually intended (sorry folks to whom I had promised things) - I still had a deliciously dirty time.
My small headache this morning is probably not from overloading myself with bloodletting fun for a change; as from the 2 glasses of champagne - oh and in such wonderful glasses that I had to put on my white buttoned gloves to hold them!
Everyone had dressed up so lovely, tulle and fascinators, stockings, gloves, and pearls. The bois in leather pants, vests and ties. So wonderful on the eyes.
The space was probably one of the best play spaces I have ever played in. Actually, I think it was the best. Though of course, I had expected that, as I was already terribly excited about the venue. (Oh those red velvet curtains! Oh those bare brick walls! Oh those dark dirty toilets! Oh the grubby rough concrete floor! )
Starting with a 50's suitcase full of china cups and sugar cubes and embroidered hankies for mopping up spills, Misses J and A were delightful tea-party companions. They were also so helpful in setting the table and cleaning up the bloody dishes after.
From there I enjoying watching all my gorgeous friends play. There was the delight of dark corners, short interludes, planned scenes, stolen moments, pats, giggling and longing glances. And then the joy of a body tied backwards, and a stomach exposed for my delight. I am such a very lucky miss sometimes!
Coming home at 3am I was in such high spirits that Mr M had to tell me off for singing Geordie drinking songs in the streets.
And now, on a perfect cool rainy hangover day I am sitting in my pyjamas, patting the dog and drinking tea again. The suitcase is unpacked, the ropes lie strewn on the couch, and the teacups sit on the sink waiting to be washed.
All pink, green, blue, and translucent white; they are winking last nights secrets to me in the soft morning light.