Okay. First a correction.
My latest Sex Tips bit in Cherrie Mag. I meant 6mm dowel. Not 3mm dowel.
*sighs dramatically*
How could I get that wrong. There may be some super welted bums around town soon.
And a few more people boasting about breaking canes on their girls' arse.
Ah well.
And now: hyper excitement! My word for the day = Cicatrix.
Or cicatrice. Or cicatrisation! Oooooh, that one is especially nice. Makes me all shaky and wiggly and excited.
It is a word more often used in French than English. ("La cicatrice" is the scar a healed wound leaves". From here.) But it's there in English use indeed.
I'm reading 'Skin: a natural history' by Nina G Jablonski at the moment. And she uses the word cicatrisation instead of 'scarring'. Especially in the context of some cultures cutting and lifting the skin and introducing charcoal and other matter to encourage scarring.
I'd love to quote something directly, but I left it on my desk at work today.
And this reminds me of something that I was told as a young woman, by someone looking at my full astrological birth chart. Something along the lines of "You are in the eclipse pattern of the surgeon, and don't have the right to inflict pain without cause". And then she spoke about exposing wounds and not walking away, but then using my energy for transformation and regeneration.
I'm sure she wasn't talking literally.
But it's funny where life takes you.
And I dearly hope that I don't leave people exposed. That I don't cut people and then leave them flailing with whatever it brought up.
I can think of a couple of instances where I haven't been there for the subject as much as they may have needed afterwards. And that does still niggle at me often.
Okay. Enough fretting for one evening. A delicious thunderstorm is starting to roll over, so I'm going to hang out in the backyard with the dog and welcome it.