Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Wee snippets...

- Anyone able to give me a few tips on recording someone singing nursery rhymes. Have to for work. Fun fun fun.

- I love dancefloors so much. When conversation runs out, or you can't trust yourself (head, heart or body), or you hit a wall at a party, or you feels so alive and wonderful... there's always the dancefloor. I love dancing.

- I think I made it in from dancing last night without waking up the house. People and dogs slept through the clicking of the key in the lock; and the creeping, shoes in hand, down the hallway. I think that's a first for this house.

- My emotions are not so much on a rollercoaster today, as on a merri-go-round. My head feels like it's being spun. My heart feels like it's being knocked against my ribs by centrifugal force.
Happy and sad. Delight and sorrow. Exhilarating arms-flung-wide joy; and deep base-note pre-grieving watchfulness.
Good thoughts jostle with the sad, like kids in the backseat on a winding road. Yeay for wonderful friends. Meep for Mr M's Nan. Yeay for parties. Boo for work stress. And so on.
On the whole I'm very well though. Operation Sane Grey is starting to take effect a little.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lovely to see you on a number of occasions this past weekend. Love when you smile and you send the world a flutter when you laugh or wink. These are some of the most delightful moments in time.

11:40 pm  

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