Point form
Point form time:
- I finished my Nano Novel. 50 000 words in under a months. The weirdest and most satisfying thing I've done in a while (apologies to those whom I upset with that comment *hehe*)
- I nearly cried twice on the public desk today at work. Once when reading of the women in Rudd's lineup. And once when I saw the poster fall from the latest New York Times for the new movie 'Sweeney Todd'... Johnny Depp. Cut-throat razors. Pinstripe pants. Sideburns. Blood. Fuck me. So hot. *fans self*
- I'm glad everyone thought that me getting munted on election night was funny. I am embaressed about what I can remember. Note to self: Don't do it very often. I think the novelty value for friends would wear off very very quickly.
- To those whom I sent late night text messages to when munted on election night. I'm sorry. Very.
- Our Zenstar puppy is now once year old. We think. If we take the word of the people we bought her from. We still think she's cute. So she can stay.
- I am a shallow, shallow, selfish, catty, petty woman. I dropped a workmate in it *plop* with the boss last week and am still feeling the glee! Admittedly she was trying to be smarmy and sly. And she has a history of patting me on the head and calling me poppet. And last time I sat back and let people start doing underhanded stuff it escalated into a scary hell of workplace bullying for me. So I feel no remorse on drawing the boss lady's attention to it. Ha!
- Did I mention I've written 50 000 words in the last 29 days?
*happy dance*