Hell is a romance novel.
Since doing this Nanothingo my dreams are going vivid and crazy. It's pretty cool.
It's like I've kicked some underused part of my brain into action. A part that has been dormant for a while. So my creativity is going nutso. The words are pouring out so fast I can't believe I can type that fast. It's great.
There's always a but.
But there's some other evil coming out from the back of my brain.
My 'novel' (and yes I use that term loosely) has become this soppy introspective romance!
Yeah I know, fancy me writing a goddamn romance. And even worse; my main male character looks like a young Johnny Cash (uhuh. yeah.) and is a love struck sculptor that keeps trying to get my main female character into the sack*.
Someone shoot me now.
It almost makes me want to write a sci-fi-fantasy-slash-fanfic-warcrack novel like the other 90% of Nano-ers.
*yes. i know. she's even taken to wearing cargos and shirts with pictures of knives on and i think she's about to shave her head. all to fend him off. good luck to her. i think he's blinded by love by now.
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