'cos dammit, it needs to be said.
The month, of course, was a total write-off. I haven't found anyone yet who disagrees.
Basically it sucked so badly that there's nothing left to suck.
But I do need to list some of the best things about the month, because there have been some aspects that without I might not still be here in one piece.
It's a bit of a daggy list. Nothing uber cool about it. And there's not the obligatory friends mention. But for those who have been there with me through this month I thank you dearly and sincerely. And I must trust that you know that I love you.
Now read on for the other saving graces of my month of June.
So here goes:
1) Mr M. - He tops my list because he has been a beacon of strength and clarity through my teary emotional rollercoaster of a month. He has cooked, puppy wrangled, gone out of his way to keep everything ticking over. He even tried (though it has to be said, failed) to get me to sleep in some mornings. He is a pretty awesome fellow and I have fallen in love with him all over again.
2) Moments when it stopped raining. - This is second on my list because when it happened it reminded me that there are other weather patterns possible. I have now stopped looking at tomorrows' weather online and go straight to the 28 day forecast. "There's sun in a months' time, well blow me down!"
3) Kindness of acquaintances. - Oh, those people that are social friends. I don't know them well enough to have them over for dinner. Though many I would like to. (yes you're welcome to read that both ways, okay). But I have been reminded this month of the wonderful wider circle of friends that are out there and how generous and gracious and gorgeous they are.
4) Baking. - I find it hard to say, that I'm starting to be a little over-cupcaked. But I shan't stop now. Oh no. Not in mid-winter. I need to keep baking if only for the extra warmth that the oven generates in our drafty, high-ceiling terrace. Batches for birthdays, and work, and in-laws, and Mr M's work, and, and, anyone who wants cupcakes for any reason? Current faves are the gluten free mini caramel Baileys ones, and the banana and maple syrup ones (low fat, but enough sugar to make your eyes bug out. Yum!).
5) Good Authors - namely Felicia Luna Lemus and her beau T Cooper. In that order, because I liked his 'Some of the Parts' but couldn't get into 'Lipschitz Six'. But oh! Please read Lemus. 'Trace elements of random tea parties' and 'Like Son'. Peopled by characters that you'd expect to run into at the next house party.
Our people.
6) Hankies. - None of that skin-shredding aromatherapy-ginseng-boosted-vitamin-e-infused tissue rubbish. I love hankies. Good old fashioned blow-your-nose hankies. Especially my tartan and checkered ones that I can co-ordinate to my wardrobe and hence be the best dressed sniffler on the early morning train platform.
Big mens' hankies to keep the cold nose sorted after walking in the icy wind, or to catch tears and snot when my heart falls to pieces again.
7) Shopping Centres. - For those days off work when the weather is crazy wild and I have cabin fever and the temperature in the house seems to be dropping despite it being the middle of the day. I apologise to the puppy and hope the backyard doesn't flood into the house again and rug up in layers and get myself to a shiny warm indoor shopping centre. Full of people feverishly spending money - or thawing out like myself. I give in the commerce god and spend my money. But I at least try and buy the most colourful clothing I can to offset the black of my wardrobe and they icy grey of the weather.
8) Family. - Of the old fashioned sort. I've never really let my Mum mother me since my early teens. And when I do, I have to stop her from getting too excited "No Mum, you don't need to buy me a heater. I can buy one myself okay". But even when I've been trying to look after and support her, she's snuck in a bit of indulgent love. And it's been nice. Seeing my sisters has been a joy as always, but even when catching up with the extended family; I've been surprised how much I've enjoyed it.
And the endless cups of tea of course.
9) The electric blanket. - Oh no. I always hated the idea of these. Sleeping on an electrical field was how I saw it. Couldn't be good at all. But, Oh. My. God. How fucking good are they! I've sold out folks, and am now totally in love with this little dual-controlled 3-settings piece of heaven.
10) Crochet. - I couldn't think of anything cool, kinky or edgy to lift this list from complete Nanna-dom. I am a total Gran and even put a doily under a vase on the china cabinet the other day. The only saving grace about this current complete obsession with crocheting is that everyone is getting scarves for winter. Want one? I'll even promise that I'll be sitting on the couch with a rug on my lap when I make it.
Now bring on July!
It shall be fabulous and charmed and healing.