Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Yeay for holidays.
I've already fit a fair bit in. And still a week and a half to go.

Yesterday was a delight of talking and eating and walking and drinking and talking and eating and drinking with friends.
Lunch with Mr Z and Miss A and then walking up King St where Miss A and myself are both the new owners of excellent opshop jacket finds. (my first leather jacket. egads.) Then more shopping for useful things like hardware and coffee. Then met up again with Mr Z, who also brought along Mr and Miss L for sunset bevvies. Home for dog walking/feeding, collected Mr M and then a pub dins with the others again.
Plans were made for future shenanigans and gatherings, and then home for attempts at sleep.

Today was also productive, but in a tad less frivolous way. Went to the dentist for the first time in so many years that no-I'm-not-telling-you-how-long-okay. *phew*
It was weird and kinda fun and my teeth are pretty happy.
Two tiny beginning holes that need sorting. So sometime in the future I'll be getting my first fillings.

Then wandered through the city.
Bought some more wool.
And am now wondering when this current crocheting obsession will wane.

I have plans to head out with wool and a bottle of red to hang out with my Ma, who is having a very 'trying time' with her fella being obstreporous and in hospital at the mo. She's not well herself, so this isn't something she needs.
She's pretty bloody tough. So she'll get through it okay.
But I worry for her.

Tomorrow I hope for many joyous plans with some delightful company.
And the next day Miss L and I may be 'cupcaking'.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ugh! fillings...
hate dental stuff.
good luck!

3:39 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Empathise, truly I do.
Suffered my first filling when I was 41...that and the almost comically arduous extraction of a far-gone took three strong men and a mule.

7:34 am  
Blogger Miss Y said...

Now. Maybe my tune might change after getting the fillings... But I don't have that dread/fear that seems to be communicated every time I mention going to the dentist. But thanks for the empathetic notes anyway folks. xx

8:09 am  

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