Rising above it
Today at work, I nearly cried a dozen times with the frustration of not knowing what was happening with new staffing arrangements, and not being comfortable with what I knew about it all. I tried a few times to set some positive wheels in motion. Most importantly got the boss-lady to set a meeting with all stakeholders to sit down next week and talk about what's happening with my section.
To make sure we're all on the same page.
Otherwise the potential for it to go completely haywire is very, very high!
And this girl does not feel like searching for another job just yet.
And then, just as I'm feeling completely incompetent and overwhelmed and distraught, I have to fend off any particle of hestitancy, anxiety and depression. Because I've got a Halloween party to run for 40 kids!
In an hour we have the food prepared, the stories photocopied, the film set up, the decorations up and the kids arriving.
We change the programme as we're sitting in front of the kids, and I almost lose my voice 3 times during the evening.
But...and here's the best part of my night...
I got to SCREAM! So loudly! In the library, at night when everyone is faffing about, talking, borrowing, studying, etc.
I opened my eyes and 40 pairs of eyes were looking at me all stunned!
Well, it certainly got their attention so I could start with the storytelling *grins*
And I storytold my ass off! Poetry, ghost tales, and freeform. The boss-lady was there with her kids and I think it was a very, very timely reminder for her on why they hired me. Cataloguing drives me insane, budgets fizz my brain, but put me in front of 40 kids and I can fly by the seat of my pants and take them all along for the ride.
When they say that everyone's got something that they're good at, I'm really not sure that I would've picked storytelling...but hey *shrugs* there's worse out there.
And the parents asked for my name so they could write letters about me to the Mayor. One hope this will could for something in my next performance review *grins*
Oh and then later, I got to wield a rubber mallet and smash, smash, smash, SMASH a 6 tiered entirely chocolate 'construction' to bits. The kids counted me in and I went for it. Almost forgot to stop!
Damn that got rid of some frustrated energy.
A crazy day...but in the end I shone a bit brighter.