Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Saturday, October 23, 2004

History shouldn't repeat!

A year ago I went to a Halloween party at some friends' house. With others, I'd planned a bit of play. My girlfriend at the time tied myself and Miss A to two chairs, our knees touching. Then Miss R pierced me six times in each breast, then did the same to Miss A. She then laced us together with dental floss and we aaaaarched backwards, pulling at each other.
Oh what a marvelous rush. It was brilliant. A night I still think about.
My g/f was taking photos, and got an attack of the jealousies and had an enormous tanty.
So I spent the night dealing with her...and didn't go out dancing later with the others.
Oh how I wish I did. It was a brilliant club night apparently, and the energies were high.

So now the anniversary of the same club night came around last night.
My boyfriend wasn't well enough to go out, and I had to work the next day (my only Saturday work of the year!). And I though...'geez, maybe I should get an early night'.
But I was determined to not let anything stand in my way again.
I had the best night. Just wore the bogstandard leather skirt, fishnets and halterneck top.

Miss A and I went out for local pre-drinkies with butch G. Ran into a few friendly happy, and a few strange, faces. Then travelled onwards to the club night.
So many yummy folks there. Dancing and flirting and eye candy galore. And almost all of my favourite folks. I love my freaky friends.
Butch S was looking terribly fine it sent this girl's heart into flutters. Baby Butch B said she's heading west for a few months :-( but I was brightened by the news she'll be back for Mardi Gras. And 'lotsa-chains' was there, watching. Me? Well, I dunno. It did seem like it everytime I checked. But I gotta admit, I was enjoying the music too much to really check.
And I danced and I danced and I danced. For hours. With the biggest grin on my face.

So tired and trashy today. Got to work with three hours sleep and two coffees under my belt. 6 hours in the sun later I find myself almost asleep on the train, and staggering home.
Tried to nap, can't sleep. Decided to write here instead. Perhaps an early night is a better bet to catch up a few hours?

Am happy, happy, happy about such a great night. T'was good for the spirit.


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