Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Would you like meth with that?

Who ever knew that Inter library loans could be so much fun?

On a similar note - our "Drug info @ your library" promo (pens,bookmarks, literature, etc) was wonderfully referred to as "drugs at your library" by a dear old lady the other day.
I felt like drawing myself up to my full height (not very impressive I know) and booming "We only push books here ma'am!"

In other news from the library front:
In a strange little skylight in a study room at work there's a large space between the outside pane of glass and the 'ceiling' pane of glass. There is also a small gap where the ceiling pane doesn't fit the space fully.
You can put your arm through this gap.
Which is what some school students have done, and they've built a tower inside this space.
Starting with an upside down ginger beer bottle, then:
a pineapple juicebottle, diet coke can, coffee cup, can of 'V', and topped off with an upside down coke bottle and then it's lid.
It's surrounded by a sea of scrunched up paper.
It could be modern art if it was called that by it's creaters.
Man they must be freaked out by their exams.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Tagged? Moi?


So...8 random things about me:

1) I cry every week at work. Life in a library shouldn't be that bloody bad. I think it's me.

2) I'm a closet science fan-girly. I can't call myself a geek because I'm not up with the lingo and info enough to hold a decent conversation. But it's my first true love and I wanna be a scientist when I grow up.

3) I imagine my parallel lives running along side me all the time. Ways I could be living if I'd made different decisions. Where I am now is because I had to jump streams to one of these lives that had too strong a pull for too many years. And I'm terribly terribly glad I did.

4) I've had a full panic attack in Ikea. The weight of this hetro-hell nearly broke me. Now I can only make it through if I play spot the queers. Last time I was there we saw 2 familiar dance-floor faces totally off their chops. What a delight!

5) I don't own many books at all. Even though I work surrounded by tens of thousands of them.

6) My left nipple is much much more responsive than my right.

7) I am so grateful for my childhood. It had some bloody awful bits that left icky scars. But it also had oodles of love and safety. And chooks and loquat trees and the freedom to make weird things by hammering wood together.

8) I used to be able to do rune castings and readings for people. But I kept being very good at it and it scared me, so I stopped and put it down to youthful folly.

ummm, I taggity tag Bethintheuk and TotallyTrashi

Funny ha ha. Funny weird.

The Librarians
"[This] six-part series centres on the trials and tribulations of Frances O'Brien, a devout Catholic and head librarian.
Her life unravels when she is forced to employ her ex-best friend, Christine Grimwood (now a drug dealer) as the children's librarian.
Frances must do all she can to contain her menacing past and concentrate on the biggest event of the Library calendar - Book Week"

I would like to take a moment to let you all know that while the producer of the upcoming ABC comedy "The Librarians" and his family have religiously attended my storytimes for the past 4 or so years - I do not believe the Children's Librarian character is not based on me!
Well, so far as I can tell, thank you very much.
And now to get back to organising for Book Week.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Post-Holiday post

Holidays are well and truly over. Back at work and the tears have started already. God I'm a sook. You would be too if your only competent colleague was running away when Children's Book Week is on. Can't blame her - it's through bad news, not any fault or intention of her own.

Came back from the wee 'end of holidays' jaunt up north to find my love has 'blitzed' our home. Turf and paving has been laid, new plants planted, furniture repaired varnished and oiled, and he's even done a gorgeous huge painting for the bedroom. I'm flabbergasted!

Zen pup was pretty pleased to see me. Which was cute. All lovey and cuddly and snuggly. Until I tackled her to stop her digging up the new turf. She didn't speak to me for a while after that.

Some of Brisvegas was fun. Miss A and myself frocked up and headed to Greazefest. We needed a bit of eye-candy to heal our tired eyes. While the weather was wonderful up north, Brisvegas didn't hold too much in the way of people-visuals. So a footy field full of greaser boys and girls dolled was terribly appealing.

There was still a dag element there though *sighs*.
We are so terribly spoilt by the gloriousness of the beautiful people and friends in our queer ghetto here.

But we bought pretty things for less money than expected. And nearly got sunburnt. And drank coopers (warm from the walk there and smuggled in) on a hillside overlooking all the beautiful shiny colourful cars.

The day before this bustle of cherryprint dresses and tattoos and sunshine, was a mostly horrific day that only made it to 'anxiety neutral' status due to the delight of seeing my Gran and her wonderful mood (my visit happily coincided with her first day of release from her nursing home room in 2 weeks because of a gastro-lockdown of the whole village).

This is to say that it was such a delight to see her that it just made up for the near panic attacks at trying to get out of the apartment we were staying at and walking to the city and negotiating the buses to a distant suburb I've only seen once before (it didn't exist when I lived in Brisbane), and then later being stuck there for over an hour at a deserted bustop watching the gorgeous day disappear on me because the scheduled bus never showed, and then later arguing with a taxi driver that pretended to not know where my rather-cental-and-easy-to-find destination was, or the existance of any suitable change in his cab for me so I'd have to use my credit card, and then magically finding the perfect change in notes and coins when I denied having a card.

Oh. My. God.

Before that I spent a delightful 30 hours with my sister and her new puppy. She has a gorgeous house in a valley surrounded by cow paddocks and a creek. Sooo nice. Even if I was woken often by the sound of cow stomachs in the night. Weird.

My darling sis' and her farmhouse:

Here's a picture of my morning cow:

And of the puppy of cheeky-cuteness:
