Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Tagged? Moi?


So...8 random things about me:

1) I cry every week at work. Life in a library shouldn't be that bloody bad. I think it's me.

2) I'm a closet science fan-girly. I can't call myself a geek because I'm not up with the lingo and info enough to hold a decent conversation. But it's my first true love and I wanna be a scientist when I grow up.

3) I imagine my parallel lives running along side me all the time. Ways I could be living if I'd made different decisions. Where I am now is because I had to jump streams to one of these lives that had too strong a pull for too many years. And I'm terribly terribly glad I did.

4) I've had a full panic attack in Ikea. The weight of this hetro-hell nearly broke me. Now I can only make it through if I play spot the queers. Last time I was there we saw 2 familiar dance-floor faces totally off their chops. What a delight!

5) I don't own many books at all. Even though I work surrounded by tens of thousands of them.

6) My left nipple is much much more responsive than my right.

7) I am so grateful for my childhood. It had some bloody awful bits that left icky scars. But it also had oodles of love and safety. And chooks and loquat trees and the freedom to make weird things by hammering wood together.

8) I used to be able to do rune castings and readings for people. But I kept being very good at it and it scared me, so I stopped and put it down to youthful folly.

ummm, I taggity tag Bethintheuk and TotallyTrashi


Blogger Liz Stokes said...

my dear,
so lovely to read of your adventures and random things, I'm having a grumpy day at work and your blog has cheered my right up! Perhaps I will be seeing you at the lunar eclipse do next tuesday that Miss A is organising?

10:30 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sorry -- that was a mouse/vista error (one of an ever-increasing multitude, I am beginning to realise).
Again, apologies many.
Feel free to tag me when I finally get on with my page...of course, practically ALL my content will actually be objectionable, so...

2:31 am  

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