lost and found
Found a missing person yesterday.
Bit obvious really - he wanted to be found.
But filling out the incident report later, the form asked "what steps have been taken to ensure the incident does not happen again".
Admittedly the form is tailored more to people tripping over things or being skulled by a heavy book falling from a shelf.
But I really want this to happen again.
Not for any SMH article, but for the sake of the kids. It's pretty nice that he thought of the Library. After all, what better place to hang out if you had run away from home, than somewhere with plenty to do, that's warm, dry and relatively safe. Where you won't get moved along by security and it doesn't cost you a cent.
Only drawback is that you get found by a librarian.
Best bit: He actually joined the library and then borrowed a book before he happily went with the cops.