Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

one less night

I try and be good all week. Rug up against the sudden chill in the weather. Drinking herb teas. Not pushing myself too much. No beer on Wednesday. No beer on Friday even. Looking forward to Kooky.
Telling myself to get through the busy work week in one piece and I can get to the dancefloor.

Worked Saturday day with a sore throat and fever. Physical work, outside. Home and resting after. Quiet. Chill. Hope for the best.
Night falls and I head to the local for one drink with the delicious Ms J. At the pub a neighbour walks past asking if they'll see me at Kooky later.
But sadly no. It seems there's no 2nd wind to be had.

Even others who were sickly and weren't going, were now perking up and heading out into the night. Rubberball, Kooky and beyond. Peer pressuring texts flew in from all fronts. Even Mr M traipsed about the town, from BBQs to drinks with friends. 'Tiptoeing' in after 1am.

But instead I was in bed by 9.30, dreaming fitfully of dancefloor shenanigans between waking to blow my nose.
For breakfast this morning I've had a huge pot of herb tea and some daydreams of what last night could've been like.
*sighs wistfully*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah, miss y, I also spent the night under my blankey, warding off the cold I've been battling all week. Good intentions got me all the way to the couch watching buffy for the evening.

10:34 pm  
Blogger Miss Y said...

I hope you're better today Mista Lukely.
And here's hoping we're both better and cheery for next weekend's shenanigans. Whatever they might be.

9:50 am  

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