Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Tired of it all.

I've never been much of a napper. I wake early and rarely can sleep in. Short of severe illness, blackout curtains, earplugs and an eye mask, I find it near impossible to stop the "sun's up, body's awake" response.

Today however, I am so exhausted. I nearly dozed off leaning against the washing line. *yawns*
That delirious bone-tired feeling that you feel after doing Mardi Gras (vollie wrangling, parade, party, drugs, recovery and more).
Maybe this is payback from being so freakishly, intolerably perky the day after Inqui?

Last night was pretty cool. After a 80's themed party for my baby straight-girl sisters' 30th birthday, Mr M and I did a costume change and headed uphill (in more ways than one) to Handlebar. Such good music to start with. And exciting to have him out for a wee while. I had a good dance, but later my energy levels dropped suddenly and I had to head home.

So why am I so knackered? I got about 4 hours sleep before the dog woke me. I only had 3 beers the whole night, so I don't reckon I could really be hungover. It feels like somehow a plug got pulled out, and all my energy has been drained out, out, out.

Aah, well. Faffing about on the internet won't help. I only think some vegies for dins, and an early night can help.


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