Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Oh my head

Back to work today.
It probably could've been more horrific than it was. In fact, it was suspiciously quiet at times.
Walked away with a headache.
But the day was made better by a teeny after-work beverage in honour of the 3+3x3 birthday of a friend.

Two big sensory impressions of the day -
1) Wow, corn tortillas make brilliant pizza bases!
We scoffed 2 each with (from the bottom up): tomato paste, shallots, corn, avocado, carrot, mushroom, sundried tomatos, mozarella. So yum.
We made more to take for lunch for work tomorrow.

2) Erk, the great unwashed and over-pickled on the train to work this morning. It was a headspinning cocktail of bad breath, perfume, over-ripe fruit, cough lollies, old boots and smelly woollen jumpers. Headphones can keep the winter snuffle chorus at bay; but there's nothing to keep the smells away. Though there was one bloke who was so pickled in after-shave I doubt he could smell anything else.

Hmmm. More work tomorrow eh. Bugger.
Best get to bed now.


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