Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Not drug fucked

I can be so conservative sometimes. Well... conservative mightn't be the best description. Maybe 'fuddy-duddy' is a better turn of phrase.
But I just really don't like drugs that much.
I really don't.

Sure, some of them can be fun at times, in small amounts, and in certain settings.
But just don't understand people taking what I consider to be big-dance-party-drugs in the more domestic settings. I often marvel aloud at why someone has half an e on a Wednesday night at the Slox.

Any flirting, dancing, conversation, and shenanigans that may seem to be on the cards between me and another, are rapidly shelved whenever the other person is off their chops.
If I don't really know that person, or if they have other friends around them, I tend to wander away.
If they haven't anyone else around I will stay with them and just be still and wait. Wait for them to settle. Wait for the moment to pass.

Is it because I'm a worrier?
Or a caring Mama?
Or just a controlling pain in the ass?
If you're out and totally munted I'm more likely to try and get you to sit down, chill out, and make sure you get home safe; than join you in your world, partying up a storm for the rest of the night.

I try to not state this position too emphatically to people. I'm sure no-one wants to hear me rant about this.
And I don't think less of the people who do take drugs like this. Not one bit.
However what I do find puzzling is this reaction of mine to their drug-affected state.


Blogger Me said...

How you feel about drugs is perfectly natural. This is coming from an ex addict.

4:17 pm  

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