Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sore, sore head.

How many of you feel like you're teetering on the edge this weekend?
It seems to me that there's quite a few of us that are feeling pretty fucking rotten. Why?
Friends are around. Events are on. Hell, there was even some sunshine yesterday.

I think it's the continuous grind of cold day after cold day. Winter slowly wearing us down.

I've wrestled with domestic duties today. Through a headache that's hung around since late last night and through many shiny painkilling tablets.
Food shopping and clothes washing and vacuuming and mopping.
I am lucky my impulse control still works to a certain degree, or that vacuum would've been hurled through a window.
Man and dog are off on a long evening walk and I am trying to simmer down. I hate cooking dinner in a bad mood. It feels like it will poison the food. A side-effect of too much witchy-poo stuff when younger I s'pose.

I let my head win on Friday night and stayed home when I should've gone out and been fabulous.
And then my bad head lorded it over me all day Saturday.
Mr M was marvellous and dragged me out into the sunshine. Roaming from open house to reverse garbage to cafes and shops. All the while I was trying to stop hyperventilating and crying. Nasty. But by the afternoon it had worked. We had the upper hand and my head went back to behaving.

Took Zen-dog to the Jets game. Met Ms M, Mr Z, Ms & Miss J, and Mr J there. Had beer and a steak sandwich. Zen-dog got 2 sausages. I brought along cupcakes and wore my new blue and white party frock. And the Jets won.

The frock then stayed on through the Red Rattler event-thing and later dancing at Dirty. Though I ran away from the Phoenix in the wee hours of the morning when the crowd started to grow as fast as my headache.

Hmm. I'd've like to run away today as well. Oh, how wonderful would it would've been to reprise yesterdays sunshiny day. Maybe find a park to fall asleep in. But life duties, and the weather, has conspired against me.


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