Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Just not near me okay!

I can be a pretty hardcore pacifist at times.
Is pacifist the right word?
I refuse to wear skulls or pictures of guns (now matter how heart-breakingly gorgeous the dress is).
I don't watch scary movies. And avoid traumatic ones. I don't need to invite any more bad feelings into my life. I don't need to increase the gross sum of negativity in my life.
Why would anyone?
If there's the promise of trouble or violence I move away. Sometimes still near in case of help needed. Sometimes taking others with me as I move away.
But I don't like sticking around.

Tomorrow there is an event on at my work.
I'm rostered on to do the meet and greet with the author, and crowd control.
But the event has now been mentioned in the newspapers and on the radio. And the more people talk about security and police guards and death threats, the more I arc away.

More staff are now needed to help out with crowd control. The phone's been ringing off the hook at work with people enquiring about it. Callers asking if there'll be bag checks at the door and trying to tell me about how they worked with the family.
I don’t want to hear it.

I'm now doing crowd control at the entry door.
I don't want to be near this crowd of people slavering at the mouth over salacious details of crimes and corruption. Punters getting hard at the thought of being near such infamy and notoriety.

I'm now directing people on another floor.
I don't want to be forced to stay and listen to some halfwit cashing in on a relatives rotten deeds. And the gasping audience being entertained, all agape and excitingly horrified at it all.

I'd rather go cataloguing.

And that's saying a lot!


Blogger Me said...

Sucks to be you.

May I recommend a fire extinguisher by your side at all times?

4:15 pm  
Blogger Miss Y said...

*grins* To put out the inflamed passions of the goggling public?

Actual violence is incredibly unlikely. I'm not afeared of that. But more I am not so keen on joining in the apparent celebration of past violence.

9:53 pm  

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