Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Monday, September 19, 2005

Weekend - part II

Oh I could type and I'm going to go point form instead. I'm thinking of this as more a checklist for myself to explain why I didn't much housework done this weekend :-)

- Sunday I opened my bedroom window to the sounds of Earthdance.
- Clothing crisis of epic proportions due to bright sun and icy winds, saw me drag an old 70's long floral skirt of my Aunt's, out of my dressup box.
- Earthdance highlights = Hanging out with Miss R, seeing Misses Z, B, and C, the music and bubble machine at the trance stage, finding Miss B.
- Costume change for BiFusion = tartan skirt, diamante necklace and earings, 60's velvet fascinator/hat, and lipsticking.
- Did reading from "Getting Bi" book. Not too bad I think. For an unrehearsed piece that wasn't written with performance in mind.
- Ran into Mr S, who I've not seen in months, and later unexpectedly ?M turned up.
- Post BiFusion saw myself, ?M, Miss A and the chick from behind the bar, heading to the Earthdance after-party. Much beer had been drunk, I didn't have to work the next day, and Mr Z and Miss L were heading back to House of Pan, so the night called me onwards ONWARDS to a dancefloor somewhere!
- Head didn't hurt too much today. After a slow start and a spell of sunshine on the front steps, I tottered off for a haircut. Is very short at the back now *eeek* but I love it anyway.
- I burnt myself badly on the wrist tonight, getting dinner out of the oven. So to finish this list, I leave you with instructions for the pie I made (sans impromptu branding)...

Crust = 2 cups grated sweet potato, 1 egg white, dash of oil, salt, pepper. Mix together and press into pie tin. Bake in medium oven for 30-40 mins.
Cook onion and garlic, add basil, thyme, salt, pepper, and paprika. Add brocolli (or cauliflower) and mushroom, stir and cover til cooked.
In piecrust, lay grated cheese, then above vegies, then quiche custard (2 eggs and hefty dash of milk, beaten). Paprika on top and oven for 30-40 mins again.


Blogger Ali H said...

Miss Yasmin,
I have to tell you that the fascinator/hairpiece you sent me has been a major part of every most striking outfit I've worn since I received it. It always attracts a lot of comments.
I've tried to take photos of myself wearing it, but they never seem to turn out (the limitations of trying to take self-photos, I guess).
Glad to hear about your busy weekend!

9:34 am  
Blogger rapunzel.emma said...

This pie sounds intreiging. I must attempt it.


4:40 pm  
Blogger Miss Y said...

Miss A. Yeay to hairpiece attentions! I wore a red version of the same to last Hellfire, and added some pearls on wire (found at that fetish shop "Kenny's Cardiology" *grins* - I think it was s'posed to be for wrapping pressies with). Anyway, I think I'm now obsessed with things-in-my-hair.
Can't wait to see you again. Shall email you soon! *blows kisses*

Miss E.
Oh yes, you must try it. T'was specially yummy the next day too. Mr Z's penchant for excellent cooking does at times inspire me to try new things and cook proper meals *grins*

6:45 pm  

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