Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Quick. Distract her!

Saw it elsewhere and stole the idea.
Otherwise you’ll get whinging about bi-phobic assholes *howls of anger*, and about me not getting out of the house on a Saturday night again. *le sigh*

10 things about me (Yes. It’s all about me! Me!)

1) I used to have 2 piercings in my nose. Same side. I took them out as a reminder to myself to communicate better with people, especially when hearts are involved.
2) I measure my life, and how long I’ve known people, by community events. “Oh we met 2 years ago at Xyz Party!”
3) I’m untidy. Very untidy.
4) I failed sewing in year 7. Even the footy boys were better than me.
5) I’m the big sister of 2 women and 2 boys (half-brothers), and I have some older step-siblings but I don’t know their names. I think one is Susan, and another is Geoff. There are more, but I can’t remember how many there are.
6) I attribute my bad memory to a pot habit ages 14 to 17.
7) I wanted to be a jeweller when I grew up. But we couldn’t afford the silversmithing classes. I made beaded jewellery instead. I bartered it for pot.
8) I’ve worked fulltime all my adult life, and am very proud of that.
9) I have almost always slept with a mozzie net over my bed.
10) I love to dance.


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