Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Cold grey day.

It was wonderful waking to the sound of rain on the window. Before I even had breakie or made a coffee, I was baking lemon muffin-things. Funny what a grey day can do.
Now the clouds are clearing, right on sunset, just to make sure the night is extra cold.
I've not left the house all day - which is both a good and a bad thing. I'm iching to get out now. But have to rug up for the cold.
Could do with a big night out. Meant to last night, but made the mistake of sitting down when I came home for a costume change. Probably a good mistake, considering the amount of money I spent yesterday.

Went and saw the Jets play yesterday. Lads and dogs everywhere. Drank much beer and ate steak sandwich-things. Bought Mr M a Jets bandanna so he could flag jets - left pocket of course.
Think I may've been a tad tipsy stumbling into the FTMA meeting. Sobered up somewhat, but obviously not enough, as I seem to have put my hand up to make a pinata for their christmas party. Oh well, I do love pinatas, so all's well.

In lieu of a booklaunch (more info on new launch date coming soon), it looks like I'll be doing a reading of my story at the upcoming BiFusion performance night. Stay tuned for more info. Or check out


Blogger lukely said...

ooooh, public readings are just as exciting as public beatings...

7:57 pm  
Blogger Miss Y said...

You must all come along! It shall be quite uninteresting (my bit - not the rest of the fabulous eveing). Because my story has a snapshot of my life at 15 - I'm thinking of involving photos of me back then, as a wee hippy lassie with hair down to my bum. Hmmm.

11:08 pm  

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