Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Monday, May 23, 2005

So many things to make me happy...

Today started with an early morning call to my man.
Then after a wee bit o' housecleaning, and errands on king street, I caught up with Butch N for lunch and an afternoon wandering around. Perfect antidote to a potential post-party comedown is to spend it with friends. Stops my head from imploding.
Other good things that happened today:
- Found a pair of white, yes WHITE, 1940's kid leather gloves for $15 at a second hand store. And they fit! Yeay!
- I am now a published writer. Yes. Got a copy in the post today from Boston. A few other friends and aquaintances also have pieces in it, so stay posted for a book launch in the future.
Ochs, R. and Rowley, S.E. (eds) "Getting Bi: Voices of bisexuals around the world" 2005, Bisexual Resources Centre, Boston, M.A.
Am a wee bit tetchy that my first version got in, not my edited one. So not happy with one sentence. Though too late to whinge now eh.

For dinner I had champagne, dark chocolate and pasta with roast vegies and pesto.
In that order.
Am full and happy. Life is good.


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