Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

It's been a long time between drinks...

Well, actually, I've probably been drinking too much. But my web presence is somewhat hampered by a dead monitor at home, and serious filters at work.
Hmmm, exciting news in my world. I have a new wool jacket with a horrid chemical smell I can't get rid of. So have not worn it as yet. Sadly didn't notice the smell when I bought it.
In good news, my Grandad moved to another nursing home, and it's noice. Spent the arvo there the other day which got me a bit choked up. Mr M gave me lift home which was a wonderful treat considering he's been driving all over the city and beyond lately for his Uni placement.
Oh, other news! Crazy lady at work has got a job in another state!!! I can scarcely believe my luck. Well, until I found out they won't be filling her job for a couple of months. So it's back to doing 2 jobs for Miss Y *sighs*.
Going to the pub for drinkies with Librarians tomorrow. Should be interesting. A friend wants to network. I'm just thinking of beer and catching up with friends. I assume I'll know someone else there. Odds are good *grins*.
Last night when I was trying to unpack some boxes (still haven't sorted my stuff since moving *eep*), I found a picture of myself aged 2yrs and my Dad labelled "Kingscliff Librarians. May 1978" I'm helping him behind the counter. He's got his long hair in a ponytail and there's an eggshell blue typewriter and a card file and a dark brown 'wood grain' laminated table. Fantastic.
Oh and speeking of happy snaps. There's a couple of great pics of me and my gorgeous man on the SLPA website from last years Inquisition.
Okay, I go now. Have resolved to try and catch up more with folks in person lately. So drop me a line sometime and let's catch up over coffee.
And Miss A, care parcel pressies are being compiled at the moment *blows kiss*


Blogger Ali H said...

Hurrah! Care packages are THE BEST! When a girl is so far from home, that is...

3:13 am  

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