Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Sunday, April 03, 2005

I switched my mobile off for three days

Oh wow. We drove for hours and got lost on country roads (what use is a geography major if they don't give me proper directions I ask you), and then down a gravel road to a wooden cabin on the edge of a rainforest overlooking Kangaroo Valley. The smell of the forest, the dark green of the pittosporum and pale green fans of the tree ferns and the chilly breeze blowing through the vines at us, standing on the wooden veranda. Oh my heart nearly popped. I miss the bush so much.
Funny how you don't realise until you're back there.
Even the smell of cow shit got me sighing.

And we tootled into small towns during the days and bought fudge and went to the markets and I bought an old brassy gold glo-mesh german purse, and a diamante necklace and earring set, and two leather wristies. And Mr M bought some wristies as well, and some old pipes. Of the smoking kind.

Oh and speaking of different pipes. It was decided at the housewarming shindig thing last weekend that my and Mr Z's house is 'House of Pan'.
As in; that pipe playing cheeky bugger.
I like it a lot.
Another suggestion of 'house of plato' was nixed (based on the age old question of whether a butch and femme can really have a platonic friendship).
Ah, but 'House of Pan' is good. I like.
Possibly 'cos I in love with my own Pan, Mr M. *grins*


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