Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

no. no. i'm not worried. honest.

Oh my god.
Weird girl at work is psyching me out.
I'm all a flutter today at work 'cos I'm moving house (Yes. So suddenly. I know. *waves thankyou to new flatmate* :-)
So she goes and moves heaven and earth (aka the staff roster in one of the busiest short-staffed weeks yet this year) so I can have Friday off to pack and move.
Fuckin' weird.
Hmm, perhaps it's just one less day of her having to put up with me.

My "don't worry" magic drops from the herbalist are working wonders at the moment. There's so much not to worry about!
I'm trying not to freak out about my current workload at work.
I'm trying not to flip out about having to move house so quickly.
I'm trying not to take it personally that someone who has known me for a year doesn't seem to really know me or want to take my word on something important.
I'm trying desperately not to think about which of my friends is telling lies about me and henceforth turning my world squew-iff.
It will only drive me mad.

But I'm a natural worrier, so it's really, really hard to try and NOT worry.
I'm doing okay.

On a brighter, much much brighter, note: Mr M and I have been hanging out with each other for a year now!
So cool. I love that man.


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