Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Friday, March 04, 2005

*sings* 'Tomorrow, tomorrow...'

Well, didn't think I'd get a chance to sit down and blog tonight, of all nights.
In theory there is still a hell of a lot to do to make the entry fabulous. But I've let it go now.
My priority is vegies and sleep. And there'll hopefully be a lot of helpers around tomorrow to send on errands and set to tasks.
"You. Cut this"
"You. Hold this"
"You. Lift this"
"You. Buy beer"
*sighs* It's a bit of a bossy bad-cop overdose for me, doing this. Not my favourite thing.
Next year, if I even vaguely mention organising a parade entry, I need my friends to stage an intervention. A kinky one of course ;-)

I'm always amazed at how much people are willing to help out (and put up with my bad moods as a part of it). Not that there has been lots of people - oh no, there's been too few keen helpers this year. But those that do help have been fantastic!

Now, to go organise 3 costume changes and an "everything I could possibly need" bag for tomorrow. Day starts at 7am, and goes constantly until (hopefully before) midnight when we pull the ute into the garage.
Then will I want to party? *phew* Last year it took an absurd amount of effort and an even more absurd amount of drugs to get me into the knee high boots and back out the door.
This year I may just be the most fresh faced lassie at Gurlesque.


Blogger Ali H said...

I have nerves from all the way over here!! Wishing you all the best for it and hope it's fun... I will be happy to head such an intervention next year if it becomes necessary!

5:33 am  

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