Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Operation: Sane Grey

(With no apologies for the bad literary pun - and if you don't get it, tough)

Okay. After a week of good weather in my head, the last 2 days have been back to evil/shaky. I need to sort this out. I know I can because I've been here before, years ago. But I don't feel like waiting for it to get worse before better.
Soooo....I'm now going to write out a battle plan to sort it all out.

Apologies to those who might be looking for some entertaining reading. Go elsewhere. This is my self- indulgent blog, so ner.
But I am writing about it here as a way of somehow making sure I actually do something and not push it down and away.

Life is terribly peachy at the moment. Not a great deal of stuff to be worried about. And what is there is stuff of my own doing (eg: letting work pile up too close to deadlines). But my life is pretty charmed at the moment, so there's not really any external factors influencing my bad head. So that's a start to sorting it.
I won't go into the boring details of my battle plan. But hey, hopefully I'll report some movement in a positive direction soon.

And thankyou to all the wonderful people in my life that have cheered me up so much. Thankyou to everyone who came along for a while for my birthday drinkies. Thankyou for all the hugs and kisses.

And how good was this rain this evening! I walked home in it. Through puddles with my sandals in my hand. Fat drops hitting the back of my neck. Felt so lovely.


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