Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Monday, January 28, 2008

I am, perhaps, a little ill...

...but only in a good way, methinks.

I just came back from seeing the Sweeney Todd movie.

Think I need to change my knickers.
So hot.
So. Damn. Hot.

Yes, the singing got a bit annoying, but it actually made for a good movie I think.
And yes, it was a tad gruesome at times. I had my hands over my eyes and thumbs in my ears for many parts of it.
But Johnny looked soooo fine, and Helena was marvellous.
The ernest sailor fellow shit me. And the young boy was a bit too 'oh-I'm-singing-in-a-musical' and didn't do so good in acting in some parts.
And, hello, you'd think people would get over the making a baddie effeminate. The Beedle (sp?) wasn't queer, but was playing with a few annoying effeminate characteristics. It's tiresome, my dear actors and directors... please think of something a bit different for a change, yes?

Now, where was I?
That's right, Johnny Hotness. All that pinstripe and long buttoned cuffs and high collars and that mane of hair. *phew*
You've seen the pics? I nearly melted at the sight of him with blood all over his face, caught in the creases of his frown, and making the white stripe in his hair red.

*deep breath*

Okay, in totally different news. It's my birthday on Wednesday. (Yeay me!)
I'll be drinking at the Sly. Come join me. It'll be fun.
I'll try not to talk about blood.


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