Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Boots and all

After reports from the boys in Sydney of hot hot sunny days, we come back from so many soggy wet wet Lismore days to find that the rain seems to have followed us. The weather predictions for the next month are not at all promising.
All I'm hoping for is a bit of sunshine tomorrow to lie on a rock at the Womens' Baths and rebalance my head from the trashy visit north.

Tropical Fruits was a delight of a party. Though how strange the collisions in my head between off-my-chops, dressed up, trashbag reality; and the memories of being a 12 year old at the Lismore show. 20 year-old memories of place rushing back at me while I'm retightening the purple bandanna around my neck and checking out the hot bois walking by.

But it was important to go back to Lismore to reclaim the space with new adventures.
I was surprised beyond belief at the amount of memories crowding back at me at every single street corner, shop, tree, building, and view. I also think I talked about it too much to people. So to those who may've had to listen to my rabbiting on. I apologise sincerely. Thank you for listening. I processs things better by talking, so you would've helped enormously.
And thank you also to those who helped me create new memories of the area.

My highlights of the last few days:
- Ordering new boots! Custom made boots! Oh my. My breathing changes just thinking about it.
- Sharing a space and running around with Miss J.
- Dancing surrounded by the most delicious array of bois, butches and trannyboys, etc. (so much eye-candy I nearly went into sugar shock!)
- Finding my 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc wind to keep dancing throughout the entire 2 nights.
- Taking off my soggy boots.
- The grape fight and the big red club sofa at the cafe.
- Having so many fabulous friends to run into, run around with, run me around...
- Talking to people I've been to painfully shy to say boo to before.
- Being a vague trashbag. I don't often let go that much. It was delightful.
- Celebrating last rays of daylight of the first day of the year by playing with sharp and shiny things. *blows kisses* to L, S, and A.

There are many other things, but I am still so vagued out and trashed that this has taken me an hour to type, so I'll leave it for now.
More later.


Blogger Ali H said...

Oh, you wicked miss sending me photos of sunbathing beauties while we're still downpouring and floodbound... ah well, thankyou so much for so many lovely dances at the party, sorry we couldn't hang out more in the days after but leaving the farm was a difficult mission to coordinate.

See you at home soon yes? xx

3:07 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey gorgeous grrl,

thank YOU for sharing your space with me. Quite a team we made. I found the stories quite interesting, trying to imagine what it must feel like. Very trippy I imagine.

Best thing? All the funny trashy pj clad chats and getting to know you better.


11:01 am  

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