Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

weird. but good. but weird.

Today was weird.
Someone broke my boyfriends car, even after he moved it to be safer.
I had a crazy reporter wanting my phone number so she could interview me for an article she's writing about teaparties.
I found myself in an different article in a glossy mag. I was of course misquoted a bit.
I spoke to 2 publishers reps and a bookshop owner and they were all a tad mad.
I walked in on my boss crying.

But today was also good.
My boyfriend has already got some parts sorted to fix the car.
I wore red shoes, a bracelet of big round red beads and a big red hairclip.
I told a complicated paper-folding story, that I hadn't told for years, at storytime and it worked really well!
One of the publishers reps gave me lots of free comics and graphic novels.
There's a picture of me in a glossy mag on the same page as Ms Jolie. I have a paper butterfly in my hair.
I invented a banana and pear and frangelico bread that was yum, but could do with more frangelico :-)


Blogger Ali H said...

Dear Miss Yasmin,
I am hoping that all the tidbits of press and stories and articles and photos are saved for a tea-time that I can come to your house and we can look over them and laugh and smile and I can be so proud...
I'm sorry to hear about Mr M's car.

3:16 am  
Blogger Miss Y said...

Miss A!
Ah yes - I should put my Librarian skills to use and start an archive of gossipy press clippings!
Maybe House of Femme could host a viewing of the ever expanding Wall of Fame - art gallery style?
When you are over here, believe me, we shall have a 'Gossipy Tea Party' and catch up while drinking tea from pretty china teacups and eating pretty little cakes and wearing pretty summer frocks!
Love Miss Y

7:02 pm  

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