Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Monday, January 03, 2005

vodka, art, and flatmates

So last night I finish my blog post, switch off the computer, and my phone beeps.
Folks down at the Impie wanting to know if I'm joining them to go onto Kooky.
I sms back that although I'd love to, I'm not feeling well enough, and then wander downstairs to brush my teeth.
The phone rings and 2 minutes later I'm tugging on the tulle again *laughs*
Down to the Impie in 20 mins for a nightcap of vodka, gossip and perving.
Though soon I became Cinderella, and was tucked up in bed by midnight.
An unexpected fun interlude.

Today, not feeling very well still. Eventually wandered into the city and met my Ma and sister for a meander around the art gallery which was lovely. Saw some new works that I loved...paper and collage and screen printing and oh what wonderful materials! In particular there was some repetitive patterned abstracts that I feel in love with, and some cheeky collage works with a great sense of humour in them.
And sea glass and old china mosaics and scientific equipment that caught my eye. Though with my dizzy fuzzy head I wasn't really enamoured with the animal parts (dead birds and sheep x-rays and claws, etc).

Oh, miss H is just back home. Am hoping that Mr C isn't still with her. He's been around for 5 days now...and I'm needing a break...oh *sighs* yep, he's here still.
I feel bad for her when she said this morning that no-one really likes him. It must feel awful for her. I consoled her that of course not many people really know him, or have spent much time with him, so she shouldn't worry too much.
And of course, if she likes him, that's all that should count.
But it would still be a horrid thing for her to think about.
Though, sadly, this still doesn't make me feel any more compassionate towards him when he's been here 5 days.

Okay, I go now and faff about a bit.
I've enjoyed this break so much.
Really, really, REALLY don't wanna go to work tomorrow.


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