Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Sunday, January 02, 2005

How was your New Years'?

Part of me wants to go out tonight to Kooky and make it a big party holiday. But I'm not feeling tops...bit erk and run down actually.
So it's ugg boots, a cardie, and lemon and ginger tea instead.
Just spent to evening installing the software for my new digital camera that that gorgeous boyfriend of mine, and his family, bought me. Is exciting.
Had a great New Years. Not toooo nutso. Dropped in to see Mr M's non-bio family (incl sproglets) and then onto House of Butch for a drink or two and watching of fireworks on the teev. Then piling into a car for Phoenix dancing. Thanks to N for the lift *blows kiss*.
Thought about Hellfire NYE, but was still feeling pooey about being turned down for being too small to join the Phat Bottomed Burlesque show. And some of the Hellfire and Pride NYE folks ended up joining us at Phoenix later anyway *yeay*.
Had a dance with Little Miss R, who was well ahead of us on the trashed stakes by then. Hadn't been there for a while so had to revist highjinks in the toilets and backroom a couple of times, and Mr M did marvellous work hurting both Miss R and Little Miss R's gorgeous bums!
I was feeling pretty spesh in my new long black tulle skirt, red shoes, and red and black cheongsam top. Got happy snaps taken by SX and someone else, so we'll see on Thurs if we looked good enough, or otherwise too trashy, to make the social pages. Though the top was warm, so was undone for most of the evening, so that ups the trashy probability *grins*.
Mr M was looking mighty fine in his Vespa shirt and leathers *sighs*
Headed outside to escape the smoke for a bit and had a coffee, though that was probably my undoing, and I started to crash and had to go home.
On the bus home with Mr M and Miss J, feeling okay in the sunshine. Bed by 7.30 - 8am, but didn't sleep much.
By midday we were getting up again and some stroke of madness found us walking around South Head by 2pm. Wasn't so dizzy that I fell off any cliffs, but stairs were a little tricky. After a perve-stop at Lady Bay at nekkid men and their floating penises, we had a beer and some (clothed) people watching at Watson's Bay and then home.
In bed by 8pm for 12 hours or so of (mostly) sleep.
And to think some people went out again last night. Egads!
I feel a bit old.
Oh and speaking of feeling old, there's gonna be a party at my place, probably the 22nd Jan, for Mr M and my birthdays. Stay tuned for more info.
Okay, I go brush my teeth and sleep now.
1 more day before back to work *bleurko*
Tomorrow I think I shall try and make something wearable out of the purple cow if the sewing machine can take on the challenge. I'll report back.
G'night xx


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