Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Monday, May 26, 2008

Wedding red.

Stuck at home with a twisted ankle. Vaccillating between boooored, and upbeat & working hard.
Received delivery of more lovely at-home-on-a-weekday treats of the Livingstone kind.
Chlorhexidine 'tinted pink', and 'evacuated blood collection tubes'.
oooh, yummo.
Now if only the sutures will arrive before the day is out. Been waiting weeks for them. *sighs*

Did some work from home. Tried to coordinate work colleagues from home with limited success. Shall be trying to limp in tomorrow. The less-walking route to work involves more transport changes and takes longer, but hey, I'm gonna be a R.I.C.E queen for a couple more days so am not attempting the hill up to the library in the morning.

Thank you to all folks who've wishes Mr M and I the best re: the engagement-thingy. It's so sweet how everyone gets excited about it.
Next hurdle is telling work. Midweek I think. I have to prepare answers for all the excitable middle-aged, middle-class women and their inevitable questions.
When is the wedding?
What will you wear?
Should I tell them we'd like a spring wedding? ...Or that it'll only happen when it's legal 'cos we're second class citizens?
Shall I tell them I'm deciding on an ivory dress over a white one? ...Or tell them it'll be a rockabilly wedding with all the guests in drag?
Shall I play nice? Or go Raaarr!
It's an interesting thing to think about. I shy away from the overtly political stuff these days. But I am also deeply conscious that by just living our lives in the way that we choose; we are being political. We don't strive to make our lives a statement, but our choices, decisions and tastes make them for us.

Oh hey! Now here's a thought!
I wonder if Livingstone does wedding gift registeries?
*shivers with glee*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

rockabilly for the win!

11:34 pm  

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