Info Pimp

"Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books." Guy Browning (The Guardian column, 18 October 2003)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

It's trying.

Trying hard to stay determined to get through the next month. So much on. So much to do.
Trying hard to organise everything at work so it doesn't fall in a heap on top of me.
It's taking lots of energy today. Energy that I don't seem to have at the moment.
Each thing I try and get out of the way seems to create space for sooo many more other tasks and projects to rush in. Like some uber-vacuum.
Here's hoping tomorrow is better.
Here's hoping everything goes to plan. step in front of the keystroke ahead of another...tick one thing off the list before tackling the others...

I really could do with a nap.


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